Didstopia / vrising-server

Provides a dedicated linux server for V Rising running inside a Docker container.
MIT License
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Running BepInEx on the Server #8

Open slikfoul opened 1 year ago

slikfoul commented 1 year ago

When trying to use BepInEx (https://github.com/decaprime/VRising-Modding/releases/tag/0.668.001) the server does not start, any solutions to start please

ghost commented 1 year ago

Didstopia / the maintaner(s) would need to modify their Docker image in several ways, before that would be possible.

According to the modding Discord, it might work, if you add dotnet6 support through Wine or Winetricks. But that has to be included in this project's Dockerfile. There's some discussion about it, on the modding Discord, under "#bepinex-wine". E.g. this and this.

The next thing that would be needed to be changed, is the start_vrising.sh script. Preferably, it would need some ENV to enable/disable loading BepInEx.

V Rising mods usually also needs a game specific dependency mod named "Wetstone". This can also only currently get fetched from this repo - link here. So this would also need to be included in the Dockerfile and/or the start-up script.

Some images, for other Unity games like Valheim, often include some ENABLE_BEPINEX env (example), that would download the latest release of BepInEx, and apply the correct startup settings/variables. This is quite difficult with V Rising as of this writing, since the version from ThunderStore is not up to date with the newest Gloomrot update.

You could probably fetch it from the repo you linked, and let the Dockerfile/startup script download the latest file from there, but that repo might only be temporary, until someone decides to move it elsewhere.

But it would be a very nice addition to this Docker image 👍 . But it definitely requires some work.