Die4Ever / The-7th-Guest-Unity

a remake of The 7th Guest in Unity, with options to upscale the original videos and gameplay options
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

cool deleted scenes #35

Open Die4Ever opened 6 years ago

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

taken from the script, I wonder if I could make any of these work

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

in the intro NARRATOR (cont'd) And there was this one last vision, a last dream. Of a great house, a mansion, that the wealthy toymaker was to build. A strange house, a house that scared people. The children sang about it. .. CHILDREN (in a sing-song chorus) Old Man Stauf built a house And filled it with his toys, Seven guests all came one night Their screams the only noise.

NARRATOR (cont'd) One night Stauf invited seven guests to come to his mansion, He promised them things ...

CHILDREN (more raucous) Blood inside the Library Blood right down the Hall Blood going up the Attic Stairs Where the last guest did fall NARRATOR (cont'd) No one ever saw those people again. No one ever saw Stauf again. He killed them all, some said. And then himself.
CHILDREN (crazy now, yammering the rhyme) Not one came out that night Not one was ever seen But Old Mad Stauf is waiting there Crazy, sick, and mean ...

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

the chapel floor was apparently supposed to have numbers on it, could make the puzzle more intuitive

He falls to his knees and sees the numbers on the floor.

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

in the upstairs hallway, Ego says

It's cold. Why am I here? What am I supposed to do?
these audio files exist 10_e_1 "it's cold" 10_e_2 "why am I here?" 10_e_3 "what am I supposed to do?"

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

the queens puzzle seems different in the script, like maybe it was supposed to be 6 queens and a king or something? and the king looked like Tad?

Slowly images appear on the board ... CHESS PIECES, looking like the TAD. TEMPLE No, they want the boy ...
Temple looks at the CHESS PIECE ... Knows that it is this boy ...
TEMPLE (cont'd) Wait! Wait. I know who you are. I know who you are. You're the seventh guest. And what Ijust saw ...
Temple looks down to the Chess board. It is a glowing red.
Temple crouches down and picks up one of the chess pieces.
TEMPLE (cont'd) No. I understand. Oh, sweet God, I understand. {No. I understand. Oh, sweet mercy, I understand.} TEMPLE The king ... you're the one ... You-

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

in Martine's bedroom

Burden kisses Edward, pulling him close. Together, they turn, slowly. There's the DISTANT sound of TEETH clicking, and hungry, slurping noises. And when the kiss ends, Edward faces us.
His face is decayed, a DEAD MAN'S face, with maggot holes, running sores. We see him as he will become, after entering Burden's trap.

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

in the dollroom, not sure I could reasonably recreate the wire around his neck and make it look good and understandable

TEMPLE Dolls ... Why would Stauf keep this room, a room filed with dolls, locked?
Temple turns, his mouth falls open.
TEMPLE Unless. Oh - God. I know what this is. {Unless - oh my ... I know what this is.}
(he turns back)
What all these dolls are.
His words REPEAT, overlap, ECHOING eerily. For a split second, Temple appears the way he did when he died, a wire wrapped around his neck, pulled tight.

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

bathroom after solving the knights puzzle

We hear the sounds of SPLASHING. A beautiful woman, nude, appears, surrounded by bubbles. It is an erotic image, as the woman extends a leg, scrubs it. There is sense of the voyeuristic about this.
The woman slips below the water. When she again EMERGES, her skin has a grayish-green pallor, almost diseased. She opens her mouth and snakes slide out.

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

in the bathroom, this might actually be doable

-The mirror steams up, and a message appears. HELP ME. Then TAD'S FACE ...

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

EGO pulls away from the microscope, and the lab is different. Now the large electrical machines, the medical devices are at work issuing noises. The operating table is now hidden by a curtained partition. A single word is heard ...
TEMPLE This ...
Then TEMPLE APPEARS. He's laughing, talking to himself ...
TEMPLE Yes, this is it. Not magic. This is Temple's secret. Some demented ...
There's a MOAN from a nearby table.
TEMPLE (cont'd) Science ...
The CRACKLING noises from the apparatus SWELLS. Temple picks up a note book.
Temple reads ...
TEMPLE (cont'd) I have, this day, discovered a way to communicate ...
Another MOAN. Temple looks to the lab table. There's something lying there now, its moving form silhouetted against the partition.
TEMPLE (cont'd) (looking away form the book) I wanted power, real magic. If it existed. That's why I came here ...
The metallic counter tops continue to fill with monstrosities, animal parts moving on their own, a head in a tray, blinking, calling HELP. Strange PLANTS that are obviously turning into predatory creatures.
TEMPLE (cont'd) But not this. Not-
Temple lets the book drop to the floor. He holds up his hands in front of his face. They are slowly transforming into greenish-gray claws. His face bulges, as if it too were trying to change. Temple shakes his head violently. TEMPLE (cont'd) No!
Temple lower his hands. They begin to change back. He runs out of the room, screaming. Everything in the lab fades except for the bare counter tops, the microscope. Then there is the distinctive LAUGHTER OF HENRY Stauf enjoying his game.

Die4Ever commented 6 years ago

the time loop was supposed to be a bit more obvious?

The tongue completely encircles Tad. He is pulled to Stauf, whose mouth opens in an exaggerated fashion, feeding on the boy, his innocence. The Stauf-chair wheels back with Tad into a dark void.
Terrible NOISES rumble through the house.
EGO backs up, as the noise increases.
The walls glow with an ORGANIC VITALITY. Tendrils sprout everywhere, as Ego backs into the attic, down the stairs.
EGO No! What is happening? What is -
There are the sounds of LIVING THINGS now. Bits of scenes from the game appear in the room, floating in the air, and then disappearing ... the ghouls eating dinner, the stabbing in the Library, the skeletons from the Basement. The walls begin to pulse, vein like. The noise reaches DEAFENING VOLUME, popping, squishy sounds as dozens of horrors are unleashed.
Faintly, another voice is heard ...
TAD Help me .... EGO Help me ...
It ends. Everything is QUIET, 'normal'.
The screen goes to black.
And Ego is standing in front of the MIRROR. [Scene 21-4.]

[Trigger: Entering the room a second time.] There is a replay of part of the previous scene ...