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foreign language Deus Ex messages #12

Open Die4Ever opened 2 years ago

Die4Ever commented 2 years ago





Die4Ever commented 2 years ago


Die4Ever commented 2 years ago
'mapname': '���-���� - �����'
INFO: Generating message for event: {'type': 'PawnDeath', 'victim': '���������', 'victimBindName': 'NiceTerrorist', 'victimRandomizedName': '', 'victimUnconcious': 'False', 'killerclass': 'RevJCDentonMale', 'killer': 'Fahrenheit', 'killerRandomizedName': '', 'dmgtype': 'shot', 'PlayerName': 'Fahrenheit', 'map': '03_NYC_HANGAR', 'mapname': '���-���� - �����', 'mission': '3', 'TrueNorth': '49152', 'PlayerIsFemale': 'False', 'GameMode': 'Normal Randomizer', 'newgameplus_loops': '0', 'loadout': 'All Items Allowed', 'location': '4659.234863,-81.607170,50.049999'}
Die4Ever commented 1 year ago
INFO: Generating message for event: {'type': 'DEATH', 'victim': 'Fahrenheit', 'victimBindName': 'JCDenton', 'victimRandomizedName': '', 'killerclass': 'HKMilitary', 'killer': ' ', 'killerRandomizedName': ' ', 'dmgtype': 'exploded', 'PlayerName': 'Fahrenheit', 'map': '06_HONGKONG_WANCHAI_MARKET', 'mapname': ' - ', 'mission': '6', 'TrueNorth': '0', 'PlayerIsFemale': 'False', 'GameMode': 'Normal Randomizer', 'newgameplus_loops': '0', 'loadout': 'All Items Allowed', 'location': '-781.773743,-965.246094,95.699997'}
INFO: Tweeting 'Fahrenheit was blown to bits by   in  -  (Mission: 06)

Position: -781.774, -965.246, 95.7
Seed: 486720, flagshash: 850394752
#DeusEx #Randomizer #Revision v2.0.2'

we should detect the empty map names and just use the map property instead, and for killer/victim we could do something similar, and also make use of flag_to_character_names

Die4Ever commented 1 year ago

we added the language to the data https://github.com/Die4Ever/deus-ex-randomizer/commit/554e5328569bc8e3a5cecc6802053b33d305efd2