Closed craftish37 closed 4 years ago
Sorry i don’t speak french haha The best way is to download Sublime Text and then open the config.yml with it. Then copy a recipe that is like to the one you want to make. And then change the copy to the name and ingredients you want.
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Ok, don't speak French is not a problem 😂 But where can I find the config.yml and how ? I'm very late in programatic and informatic 😅
When you installed the brewery plugin on your server, it will create a few folders. This should all be in your server files.
When you open up th brewery map you get this
open the config.yml
It's fantastic, it works :o
But, after a recipe add, it doesn't function :c
Have you an idea for what it's broke ? :c
language: en
enableHome: true
homeType: 'cmd: home'
enableWake: true
enableLoginDisallow: true
enableKickOnOverdrink: false
enablePuke: true
pukeItem: Soul_Sand
pukeDespawntime: 60
hangoverDays: 7
craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true
colorInBarrels: true colorInBrewer: true
alwaysShowQuality: true
alwaysShowAlc: false
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
enableEncode: false encodeKey: -3824438677405431881
updateCheck: true
autosave: 3
debug: false
version: '2.1.1'
material: Barrier
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore
matchAny: true
- Acacia_Door
- Oak_Door
- Spruce_Door
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
rasp: name: '&cRaspberry'
blue-flowers: matchAny: true material:
ex: name: Example ingredients:
This is how it comes out of a Cauldron customModelData: 545
wheat: name: Blé fermenté ingredients: Wheat
sugarcane: name: Breuvage sucré ingredients: Sugar_Cane color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
sugar: name: Eau sucrée ingredients: Sugar
apple: name: Liqueur de pomme ingredients: Apple
berries: name: Liqueur de baies ingredients: Sweet_Berries color: RED
redstone: name: Liquide électrique ingredients: Redstone color: RED
potato: name: Écrasé de pomme de terre ingredients: Potato
ironsword: name: Ultime breuvage ingredients: Iron_Sword
grass: name: Herbes bouillies ingredients: Grass color: '99ff66' # bright green
rmushroom: name: Breuvage aux champignons ingredients: Red_Mushroom color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
bmushroom: name: Breuvage aux champignons ingredients: Brown_Mushroom color: 'c68c53' # brighter brown
cocoa: name: Breuvage chocolaté ingredients: Cocoa_Beans color: '804600' # mocca
fishing_rod: name: Breuvage du pro PVP ingredients: Fishing_Rod color: PINK
milk: name: Eau laiteuse ingredients: Milk_Bucket color: BRIGHT_GREY
bl_flow: name: Breuvage bleuté ingredients: blue-flowers color: '0099ff' # sky blue
cactus: name: Breuvage d'agave ingredients: cactus color: '00b300' # cactus green
poi_potato: name: Bouillon empoisonné ingredients: Poisonous_Potato
egg: name: Breuvage gluant ingredients: Egg
oak_sapling: name: Bouillon d'herbes effilochées ingredients: Oak_Sapling
vine: name: Herbes bouillies ingredients: vine color: '99ff66' # bright green
rot_flesh: name: Boisson pourrie ingredients: Rotten_Flesh color: '263300' # brown green
melon: name: Jus de pastèque ingredients: melon_slice
wheat_seeds: name: Infusion amère ingredients: Wheat_Seeds
melon_seeds: name: Infusion amère ingredients: Melon_Seeds
pumpkin_seeds: name: Infusion amère ingredients: Pumpkin_Seeds
bone_meal: name: Infusion osseuse ingredients: bone_meal color: BRIGHT_GREY
dead_bush: name: Boisson de ces morts ingredients: dead_bush color: ffff33' # bright yellow
cookie: name: Nectar chocolaté ingredients: Cookie color: '804600' # mocca
fer_spid_eye: name: Oeil fermenté ingredients: Fermented_Spider_Eye
ghast_tear: name: Breuvage triste ingredients: ghast_tear
Gold_Ingot: name: Grief légal du chakal ingredients: Gold_Ingot
snowball: name: Eau glacée ingredients: Snowball
quartz: name: Eau de vie ingredients: quartz color: FFFFFF
Gold_Nugget: name: Breuvage luisant ingredients: Gold_Nugget color: 'ffd11a' # gold
Baked_Potato: name: Friture ingredients: Baked_Potato
glowstone_dust: name: Breuvage brillant ingredients: Glowstone_Dust color: 'ffff33' # bright yellow
applemead_base: name: Infusion de pomme caramélisée ingredients:
Apple color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
poi_grass: name: Herbes acides bouillies ingredients:
Poisonous_Potato color: '99ff66' # bright green
juniper: name: Breuvage de genévrier ingredients:
wheat color: '00ccff' # aqua
gin_base: name: Breuvage fruité de genévrier ingredients:
apple color: '66e0ff' # lighter aqua
eggnog_base: name: Mixture d'oeufs lisse ingredients:
ex: name: Bad Example/Example/Good Example ingredients:
wheatbeer: name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer ingredients:
Wheat/3 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 wood: 1 age: 2 color: 'ffb84d' # Orange difficulty: 1 alcohol: 5 lore: +++ &8Refreshing
beer: name: Bière fétide/Bière/Bonne bière ingredients:
+++ &8Crisp taste alcohol: 6
darkbeer: name: Bière brune fétide/Bière brune/Bonne bière brune ingredients:
+++ &8Roasted taste alcohol: 7
wine: name: Vin rouge ingredients:
'+++ &8Full-Bodied'
mead: name: Hydromel fade/Hydromel/Hydromel ambrée ingredients:
+++ Has a golden shine alcohol: 9
ap_mead: name: Hyrdomel de pomme/Hydromel sucrée de pomme/Hydromel sucrée de pomme ambrée ingredients:
cidre: name: Cidre morne/Cidre/Cidre Breton ingredients:
Apple/14 cookingtime: 7 distillruns: 0 wood: 0 age: 3 color: 'f86820' # Red-Orange difficulty: 4 alcohol: 7
apple_liquor: name: Liqueur aigre de pomme/Liqueur de pomme/Calvados ingredients:
+++ Good Apple Liquor
whiskey: name: Whiskey laid/Whiskey/Whiskey Scotch ingredients:
Wheat/10 cookingtime: 10 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 50 wood: 4 age: 18 color: ORANGE difficulty: 7 alcohol: 26 lore: '&7Single Malt'
rum: name: Rum amère/Rum épicé/Rum ambré ingredients:
+++&eSpiced Gold
vodka: name: Vodka pouilleuse/Vodka/Vodka Russe ingredients:
Vin MathoX: name: Vin MathoX ingredients:
Fishing_Rod/3 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 3 age: 0 color: PINK difficulty: 4 alcohol: 20 lore: + &8Pro PVP player
La bite et le couteau: name: La bite et le couteau ingredients:
La fiereté d'Ergail: name: La fiereté d'Ergail ingredients:
AyCool: name: AyCool ingredients:
AureCool: name: Breuvage du terroire Belge ingredients:
Corona: name: Corona ingredients:
shroom_vodka: name: Vodka aux champignons/Vodka aux champignons/Vodka brillante aux champignons ingredients:
gin: name: Gin pale/Gin/Gin du vieux Tom ingredients:
+++ with juniper
tequila: name: Mezcal/Tequila/Tequila anejo ingredients:
cactus/8 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 2 color: 'f5f07e' # Green-Orange difficulty: 5 wood: 1 age: 12 alcohol: 20 lore: Desert spirit
Compensation des 5ans: name: Compensation des 5ans ingredients:
absinthe: name: Absinthe morne/Absinthe/Absinthe forte ingredients:
POISON/15-25 lore: '+++&8High proof liquor'
g_vodka: name: Vodka aigre/&6Vodka ambrée/Vodka ambrée chatoyante ingredients:
gr_absinthe: name: Absinthe morne/Absinthe verte/Absinthe vert luisant ingredients:
NIGHT_VISION/40-60 lore: '&aLooks poisonous'
fire_whiskey: name: Whiskey poudreux/Whiskey brûlant/Whiskey bouillant ingredients:
Blaze_Powder/2 cookingtime: 12 distillruns: 3 wood: 4 age: 18 color: ORANGE difficulty: 7 alcohol: 28 drinkmessage: 'You get a burning feeling in your mouth'
potato_soup: name: Soupe de pommes de terre ingredients:
coffee: name: Café gâché/Café/Café fort ingredients:
eggnog: name: Liqueur d'oeuf/Lait de poule/Advocaat ingredients:
Milk_Bucket/1 cookingtime: 2 color: 'ffe680' difficulty: 4 alcohol: 10 wood: 0 age: 3 lore: Made with raw egg
hot_choc: name: Chocolat chaud/Chocolat chaud ingredients:
iced_coffee: name: Café aqueux/Café glacé/Café glacé fort ingredients:
useWorldGuard: true useLWC: true useGriefPrevention: true useGMInventories: true
useLogBlock: true
enabled: false
syncDrunkeness: true host: localhost port: '3306' user: minec password: xyz database: base
useOffhandForCauldron: false
loadDataAsync: true
enableChatDistortion: true
logRealChat: false
distortSignText: false
replace: s to: sh percentage: 90 alcohol: 30
replace: ch to: sh pre: u,s,o,a match: false alcohol: 10 percentage: 70
replace: h to: hh pre: sch,h,t match: false percentage: 60 alcohol: 20
replace: th to: thl percentage: 40 alcohol: 30
replace: sch to: shk percentage: 60 alcohol: 40
replace: u to: uuh percentage: 20
replace: y to: yy percentage: 60 alcohol: 15
replace: e to: ee percentage: 40 alcohol: 15
replace: you to: u percentage: 40
replace: u to: uo pre: u match: false percentage: 60
replace: that to: taht percentage: 20 alcohol: 40
replace: p to: b percentage: 30
replace: p to: b percentage: 70 alcohol: 60
replace: up to: ubb percentage: 80 alcohol: 25
replace: o to: oh percentage: 20
replace: ei to: i percentage: 30 alcohol: 15
replace: b to: bb percentage: 80 alcohol: 40
replace: '!!!' to: '!!!111!!!eleven!1!' pre: '!' match: false percentage: 20 alcohol: 70
replace: '!' to: '!!' pre: '!' match: false percentage: 90
replace: drunk to: dhrkunn pre: are match: false percentage: 70 alcohol: 65
replace: walk to: whhealhk pre: you can, you can still, you can not match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 30
replace: wtf to: wft percentage: 20 alcohol: 40
replace: lol to: loool percentage: 80 alcohol: 10
replace: afk to: aafkayyy percentage: 30 alcohol: 30
replace: write to: wreitt pre: you can,you can still,you can not match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 50
replace: drink to: booze percentage: 80 alcohol: 70
replace: '?' to: '????' pre: '?' match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 40
replace: -space to: '' pre: h,g,w match: true alcohol: 10
replace: -space to: '' percentage: 30 alcohol: 35
replace: -space to: '' percentage: 10
replace: -start to: dho percentage: 15 alcohol: 50
replace: -start to: hhn percentage: 10 alcohol: 50
replace: -random to: lu percentage: 10
replace: -random to: lug percentage: 10 alcohol: 50
replace: -random to: blub percentage: 20 alcohol: 80
replace: -random to: lerg percentage: 40 alcohol: 85
replace: -random to: gul percentage: 40 alcohol: 80
replace: -random to: ' ' percentage: 100 alcohol: 70
replace: -random to: ' ' percentage: 60 alcohol: 40
replace: -random to: ' ' percentage: 50 alcohol: 30
replace: -end to: '!' percentage: 40 alcohol: 30
replace: -random to: ' hic ' percentage: 80 alcohol: 70
replace: -random to: ' hic ' percentage: 15 alcohol: 40
replace: -space to: ' hic ' percentage: 5 alcohol: 20
replace: -end to: ' hic' percentage: 70 alcohol: 50
replace: -all to: 'burp' percentage: 3 alcohol: 60
replace: -all to: 'burp' percentage: 6 alcohol: 80
try again with something like cause we cant see now if you made a spacing error. Also send in the error data from your console as it will usually tell what is causing the error.
Like that ?
### Loaded your config into a clean server to see any errors.
name: Whiskey poudreux/Whiskey b ... the name and ingredient tags both have 1 to little spaces. Theres 3 where they need 4 spaces
fire_whiskey: name: Whiskey poudreux/Whiskey brûlant/Whiskey bouillant ingredients:
### After changing that the config loaded but the following errors showed:
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: NAUSEA does not exist! [Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: La bite et le couteau
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: RESISTANCE does not exist! Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: La fiereté d'Ergail
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: STRENGTH does not exist! Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: AyCool
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: RESISTANCE does not exist! [Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: AyCool
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: STRENGHT does not exist! [Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: Compensation des 5ans
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: NAUSEA does not exist! [Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: Compensation des 5ans
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: RESISTANCE does not exist! [Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: Compensation des 5ans
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: SLOWNESS does not exist! [Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: Compensation des 5ans
[Brewery] ERROR: Effect: HASTE does not exist! Brewery] ERROR: Error adding Effect to Recipe: Chocolat chaud
Ok, I've uptated the effects name but I don't understand what is not good with the tags of the powdery whiskey, named whiskey poudreux 🤔
You can see that the entries name and ingredients in that whiskey poudreux have different spacing as the other entries of it. You probably need to add another space before ‘name:’ and ‘ingredients:’
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Thanks, it function :D Now, I'm going to create new alcohol, starting with a plutonium brew x)))
Have a nice day 👍
Hey, I've a Minecraft server and I've add your plugin on. It's fantastic !!! But, I want add recipes to have a larger variety of drinks for more fun and farm. Also, can you explain to me how can I add recipes on ? I'm on a MacBook, just for the information ;)
Have a nice day, Craftish