DieReicheErethons / Brewery

GNU General Public License v3.0
162 stars 185 forks source link

Compile 1.19 update #486

Closed fyhnfn closed 2 years ago

fyhnfn commented 2 years ago

Add a 1.19 update and can you guys also add new barrels made of non-wood items like quartz, nether brick, brick, prismarine, blackstone and brick. Also add support for custom items, as in renamed item in the config.yml and add support for mangrove barrels.

fyhnfn commented 2 years ago

and also add Red Nether Brick barrels

Sn0wStorm commented 2 years ago

Non Wood Barrels might come in the future. Custom items are already supported, Mangrove barrels will be supported in the 1.19 update