DieReicheErethons / Brewery

GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Suggestion] permission for every recipe #522

Open DayzDuck opened 2 years ago

DayzDuck commented 2 years ago

I would ask for the ability to add permission for each recipe you add.

either, the plugin automatically chooses the name of the recipe. OR that you build it into the recipe.

Permissions example:

    name: Schlechter Rote Betesaft/&8Rote Betesaft/&6Guter Rote Betesaft
    permission: rotebetesaft
      - beetroot/4
      - sugar/1
    cookingtime: 2
    difficulty: 2
    alcohol: 0
      - + Eine Flasche mit ungenießbarem Rote Betesaft
      - ++ Eine Flasche Rote Betesaft
      - +++ Eine Flasche mit geschmackvollem Rote Betesaft
    customModelData: 592
      - REGENERATION/1-4

so the permissions would be: permissions.brew.rotebetesaft

or the other variants, that he reads it out automatically. Then the permission would be: permissions.brew.rote_betesaft