DieboldInc / vcloud-ruby

Ruby bindings to the VMware vCloud Director REST API
MIT License
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happy mapper errors #4

Closed jacksonp2008 closed 7 years ago

jacksonp2008 commented 9 years ago

Every call I make using this module is ending up with a happy mapper error.

Simple code: require 'vcloud' @session = VCloud::Client.new("https://vlabs.fi.com/api/", '1.5', :verify_ssl => false) @session.login('steven.pollock@se-lab-dirty', 'ubba') org_ref_hash = @session.get_org_references_by_name

Returns: spollock-mbpr:~ steven.pollock$ ruby testvcloud.rb /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/nokogiri-happymapper-0.5.9/lib/happymapper.rb:468:in initialize': wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError) from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/vcloud-' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/vcloud- from_reference' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/vcloud-' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/vcloud- get_org_references_by_name' from testvcloud.rb:5:in

' spollock-mbpr:~ steven.pollock$

Any help appreciated. thanks!!

jonnyfiveiq commented 9 years ago

TBH I tried to work with this GEM some years back, raise a ticket or two but found it to be somewhat limited in functionality. vCloud API is just RESTapi so you can bind using the standard rest-client gem.

thanks to KMorey for this snippet demonstrating this;

def login_vcloud(servername, username, password, ref)
    url = "https://#{servername}"+"#{ref}"
    headers = {}
    headers[:content_type] = :xml
    headers[:accept] = 'application/*+xml;version=5.1'
    headers[:content_length] = 0

    params = {
    log(:info, "Logging into vCloud: #{url}")
    authorization_response = RestClient::Request.new(params).execute
    log(:info, "Successfully logged into vCloud: #{authorization_response.code}")
    @cookie = authorization_response.headers[:x_vcloud_authorization]
    log(:info, "Detected API session cookie: #{@cookie}")
    unless authorization_response.code == 200 || authorization_response.code == 201 || authorization_response.code == 202
      raise "Failed to log into vCloud: #{authorization_response.code}"