DiedB / Homey-SolarPanels

Connects production statistics of a wide range of PV inverters to Homey
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error message when trying to add Solis inverter #202

Open M-Holmer opened 2 years ago

M-Holmer commented 2 years ago

Hello, When trying to add my Somis inverter to my Homey Pro I get this error message, see attached screen dump. My inverter was installed just last month and is connected to Solis Cloud. Grateful for any hints or advice here. 03B2D901-4219-4E94-AA8D-ECC516BF2D11


Rudito commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. Can't add my Solis inverter

calciumdude commented 1 year ago

i have the same issue .. the url for my cloud to show the inverter is soliscloud.com

ictabc commented 1 year ago

Same issue when adding my Solis inverter with my ID.

calciumdude commented 1 year ago

ability to add solis inverter has been removed from the test version :(

M-Holmer commented 1 year ago

SolisCloud now seem to have launched their API. https://solis-service.solisinverters.com/support/solutions/articles/44002212561-api-access-soliscloud

BouncyYeti commented 1 year ago

Ditto, Solis Cloud seems unsupported. Happy to make a donation if support is added.

pelti51 commented 1 year ago

Plus one from here for needing the support for new Solis inverters.

DiedB commented 1 year ago

(Old) Solis will be deprecated. Will keep this thread open, if enough requests are made for Solis Cloud support I could consider it (but I don't have much time).

FiDoen commented 1 year ago

(Old) Solis will be deprecated. Will keep this thread open, if enough requests are made for Solis Cloud support I could consider it (but I don't have much time).

Please consider Solis Cloud support !!! Tell me where to donate! :)

calciumdude commented 1 year ago

Hope you can add soliscloud !! I am using p1 meter now to read info but its not as accurate to see what we have used and generated !

SvB4u commented 1 year ago

+1 on Solis Cloud support. Would be really, really, really appreciated @DiedB There is really no other way to decently read the PV input and the home battery input/output/full/Empty...

If a donation is needed just let me know .

FLOPOTECH commented 1 year ago

+1 to add Solis Hybrid inverters please. Ginlong has API Access and Remote Control now so would be really great to have all these features in Homey Pro, please πŸ™

SvB4u commented 1 year ago

+1 to add Solis Hybrid inverters please. Ginlong has API Access and Remote Control now so would be really great to have all these features in Homey Pro, please πŸ™

@DiedB +1 on Solis Hybrid inverters. I tried with homewizard kWh meter modules but there is really no other way to monitor battery and pv seperatly. This makes it extremely difficult to smart automate in fiction of the home battery/pv panels because i can not measure them seperatly with kWh meters (pv and battery are connected to the inverter working on different voltages then 230v)

I have no problem contributing in a fair donation, just let me know if that would convince you.

SvB4u commented 1 year ago

@DiedB please consider adding solis hybrid inverters back into the program.

Or if you're short on time pass the code to another developer, i'm sure people want to help/take over in the homey developer groups. πŸ™

Here is the Solis API documentation: https://solis-service.solisinverters.com/support/solutions/articles/44002212561-api-access-soliscloud


eaasnes commented 1 year ago

+1 for Solis Cloud support! :-)

SortOfSmart commented 1 year ago

+1 from me too! I did manage to add my Ginlong (solis) plant ID to Homey, but it never worked right and does not show my actual solar yield. If someone is able to create this, I'd be very happy to donate, testdrive the app, etc.

antenn1 commented 1 year ago

+1 for Solis Cloud support!

ToonVos commented 1 year ago

+1 also for solid cloud support

sleepmaker commented 1 year ago

+1 for solis support. I don’t care how, as long as my device is being supported

DSGuess commented 1 year ago

Another +1 for SolisCloud Support.

jpwinther commented 1 year ago

Also in need of SolisCloud support

pjgrue commented 1 year ago

+1 for Solis Cloud

cvstaffonline commented 1 year ago

Please add Solis Cloud support.

hvdmeeren commented 12 months ago

Please add Solis support

SantaCruz07 commented 11 months ago

Can you please add Solis support! Will donate!!

mvkooten1984 commented 10 months ago

can we add Solis support again ?

pjgrue commented 8 months ago

+1 for Solis Cloud support

FiDoen commented 5 months ago

DiedB will probably never make a Solis Cloud compatible app. Recommends everyone who has Solis Cloud to donate / use new Solis Cloud Inverter app:
