DiedB / Homey-SolarPanels

Connects production statistics of a wide range of PV inverters to Homey
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Solis Cloud / Ginlong not working anymore with the last update #279

Open mvkooten1984 opened 12 months ago

mvkooten1984 commented 12 months ago

Solis Cloud / Ginlong not working anymore with the last update is there any reason for that the not working anymore ? or become there a next update with support for this item

SantaCruz07 commented 11 months ago

Please add Solis support!

mvkooten1984 commented 10 months ago

is there any update when it is coming back in the app ?

Bloke63 commented 10 months ago

Volgens chatGPT:

Ik heb wat onderzoek gedaan naar uw vraag en ik heb het volgende gevonden:

Ik hoop dat dit antwoord u helpt. 😊

Bron: Gesprek met Bing, 31-8-2023 (1) SolisCloud sensor integration - GitHub: Let’s build from here. https://github.com/hultenvp/solis-sensor. (2) Soliscloud gebruikershandleiding voor systeemeigenaars en/of .... https://solis-service.solisinverters.com/nl/support/solutions/articles/44002251720-soliscloud-gebruikershandleiding-voor-systeemeigenaars-en-of-organisaties-installateurs-. (3) undefined. https://www.soliscloud.com/. (4) Ginlong/Solis support in Homey v2.0 #9 - GitHub. https://github.com/DiedB/Homey-SolarPanels/issues/9. (5) undefined. http://m.ginlong.com/main.html.

FiDoen commented 9 months ago

Please add support for Solis Cloud @DiedB 😇

FiDoen commented 5 months ago

DiedB will probably never make a Solis Cloud compatible app. Recommends everyone who has Solis Cloud to donate / use new Solis Cloud Inverter app:
