Open milinkim opened 2 months ago
Which version of SUITPy are you using? The 1.3.2 release, or did you clone the master from github?
I don't get a problem with the current Master branch - but the lines 576-578 are different from what is displayed in your error message:
Master Branch: for i,f in enumerate(faces[face_in]): polygon = Polygon(vertices[f,0:2]) patches.append(polygon)
So, not sure if you have some edits - or just an outdated version. I cannot see any changes to the Polygon constructor with new versions of matplotlib, but do let me know which version you are using as well.
Hello Jörn!
I am using version 1.3.2. I have tried also without polygon =Polygon(certices[f,0:2]) thinking it might be the problem. The plot comes out but without any colors. But I think i found the reason! It is the new matplotlib version that wasn't compatible with the environment that I was using- because i think the problem arouse from not able to 'get c_map' from ''. Now it works.
Thank you!!
Dear Diedrichsen Lab,
I've been using the wonderful SUIT toolbox for several years now. Thank you so much!
But after our cluster system updated from Python 7 to Python 3.10, there has been a problem plotting the data.
It reads in using flatmap.vol_to_surf and then when i try loading with flatmap.plot(data, cmap, threshold..., render='matplotlib'), but I get this error:
ax=_redner_matplotlib(vertices, faces, color, borders, File ...SUITPy/ in rendermatplotlib polygon =Polygon(certices[f,0:2], True)
TypeError: 'Polygon.init() takes 2 positional argument but 3 were given
When I load the same nii file in matlab SUIT, it plots well. But suddenly it is not working on python. I've tried my best to figure it out but I couldn't.
Thank you again!