DiegoRBaquero / BTorrent

:globe_with_meridians: Fully-featured WebTorrent Client
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Can βTorrent download anonymously with a browser based VPN add-on/ extension? #66

Closed LeeBinder closed 5 years ago

LeeBinder commented 5 years ago

Hi Diego. I've read your answer at Does WebTorrent expose my IP address via BitTorrent?

It exposes the facing IP, if you use a full VPN it shouldn't expose your real IP.

and others' comments across the boards. In that context, let me ask two questions:

  1. Do you know if currently there is a specific browser-based VPN add-on/ extension for either Waterfox, Firefox or Chrome which is capable of providing full anonymity for downloading torrents? Or is a system wide VPN mandatory for that level of anonymity?

Because even with any of the 7 premium VPN proxies enabled in Best Proxy Switcher (Waterfox/ Firefox), https://whoer.net always also displays my real IP underneath my LAN IP.

Rather that expanding testing to other plugins and other browsers I thought I asked you as the expert first, rather than going down another potential rabbit hole.

  1. Do you know if my real IP output at whoer.net with VPN (currently via Best Proxy Switcher) for sure indicates that my real IP is also visible for some unwanted spying eyes when downloading torrents via βTorrent (or maybe even any other WebRTC-capable WebTorrent client)?

I appreciate your opinion and advice.

LeeBinder commented 5 years ago

@DiegoRBaquero : which VPN (if any) do YOU use?

DiegoRBaquero commented 5 years ago


  1. It should be system wide. I really doubt an extension will do WebRTC proxying.

  2. If you are not using a system wide VPN, yes, that IP will be shared to WebRTC peers.

  3. I don't use any.

LeeBinder commented 5 years ago

Thanks Diego. Interestingly, in Waterfox, after installing and activating WebRTC Leak Shield by Hoxx Vpn, then activate anonymous VPN via Best Proxy Switcher, whoer.net does NOT display my real IP anymore (and not even my LAN IP), but web torrents still download. Needless to say I won't bet on if that also means that my real IP will NOT be shared to WebRTC peers...

DiegoRBaquero commented 5 years ago

Cool, that's interesting, wonder how they do it. Im gonna close this, feel free to continue discussion :)

LeeBinder commented 5 years ago

You can download the add-on


open with pretty much any unarchiver because this is just a .zip renamed to .xpi and look at the source code (should be plain java script)

DiegoRBaquero commented 5 years ago

I don't mind sharing my IP :p :D