Difegue / LANraragi

Web application for archival and reading of manga/doujinshi. Lightweight and Docker-ready for NAS/servers.
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Since 0.9.20, LRR can't pick up archives reliably (only if they are placed in a subfolder with many other archives?) #1069

Open soarpasser opened 4 weeks ago

soarpasser commented 4 weeks ago

(edited) with further testing this seems to be a completely different issue, marked below.

Difegue commented 4 weeks ago

As mentioned on Discord, I've not been able to repro this.

Might be a W10-only issue? It'd be weird to me though..

soarpasser commented 3 weeks ago

After further testing, I can confirm that this issue appears on Windows 10, WSL2 installations of versions 0.9.20 and up. The issue does not occue on Windows 10, WSL1 installations.

soarpasser commented 3 weeks ago

Did even more testing... It looks like this problem only happens when you move the archive to a specific subfolder under the content folder. More specifically, I think it has to do with the number of items that are currently in that subfolder.

Here's how I organize my content folder:

  1. Root folder
    1. subfolder1 (4000+files)
    2. subfolder2 (800 files)
    3. subfolder3 (600 files)
    4. ......
    5. subfolder10 (20 files)

I find that when, and ONLY when I move an archive in subfolder1,2,3 with a large amount of files, does this error have the potential to occur. Otherwise, when I move it anywhere else, no matter it be a subfolder or the root content directory, the error does not occur.

Thus I suspect that the amount of files in the content folder might cause this issue to happen. This also means that this might not just be limited to windows 10 as originally suspected, but instead to content folders that fulfill the above criteria.

siliconfeces commented 3 weeks ago

This is conjecture, but I do have some suspicions.

When LRR does it initial scan, it first finds all files before doing any processing. Thus, if there's a lot of files it may take a while before anything happens. ALSO, if any archive causes LRR to crash, you won't get any archives.

If you look in the logs (Shinobu being particularly interesting), does anything stand out?

soarpasser commented 2 weeks ago

This is conjecture, but I do have some suspicions.

When LRR does it initial scan, it first finds all files before doing any processing. Thus, if there's a lot of files it may take a while before anything happens. ALSO, if any archive causes LRR to crash, you won't get any archives.

If you look in the logs (Shinobu being particularly interesting), does anything stand out?

No, even with debug mode enabled it doesn't show any relevant logs, it's like nothing happens at all. I've since went to legacy builds running WSL1 and the issue doesn't exist there.