DiffEqML / torchdyn

A PyTorch library entirely dedicated to neural differential equations, implicit models and related numerical methods
Apache License 2.0
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Sklearn dependency push to pypi #180

Closed atong01 closed 1 year ago

atong01 commented 1 year ago

sklearn dependency is fixed on main branch but hasn't been pushed to pypi. Could a new version of torchdyn be pushed? Thanks!

I'm getting upstream test failures because of this: https://github.com/scikit-learn/sklearn-pypi-package

See here: https://github.com/atong01/conditional-flow-matching/actions/runs/4100542398/jobs/7071472166

atong01 commented 1 year ago

Fixed as of release 1.0.4

atong01 commented 1 year ago

Release 1.0.4 is not on pypi

Zymrael commented 1 year ago

Does this work for you? https://pypi.org/project/torchdyn/1.0.4/

atong01 commented 1 year ago

yep, thanks Michael! 1.0.4 is on pypi, works on my end.