DiffSK / configobj

Python 3+ compatible port of the configobj library
321 stars 76 forks source link

changed import from configobj.validate to validate #168

Closed cforsythe closed 6 years ago

cforsythe commented 6 years ago

When attempting to use current documentation by copying and pasting into an iPython env python was not able to import. Seems like the import may have just been out of date. Using validate instead of configobj.validate works.

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 81.463% when pulling 7e79a82d1247a42e88a5a3ac0b4ac9b04e1e74d6 on cforsythe:master into 5b5de48a53cbceced3172bcd569ba7b2df7bfe6f on DiffSK:master.

jhermann commented 6 years ago

You're mixing latest docs with released code instead of git head.