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Port to single spa #14

Closed jooaodanieel closed 1 year ago

jooaodanieel commented 1 year ago


A few considerations:

  1. I **did not** search for any mistakes in your code, I simply generated a single-spa application for each file in your src/fragments folder
  2. there are some dependencies of the shape fragment → fragment/page, which **should not be** — in those cases, I commented the specific action to fix it
    1. fragments should only depend on components and hooks
    2. pages should not exist
  3. Take into consideration that your frontend isn’t a single project anymore, now it’s a set of microfrontend (single-spa applications), which means that for you to run your set, it will require more than it used to — see more details and techniques in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjjcuIxqIzY&list=PLLUD8RtHvsAOhtHnyGx57EYXoaNsxGrTU&index=4
  4. now the deployment must be for each microfrontend, and their domain names (the ones in the URL configuration in render.com) should be as follows:
"add-team-member": "https://sddl-add-team-memeber.onrender.com",
"change-password": "https://sddl-change-password.onrender.com",
"create-startup": "https://sddl-create-startup.onrender.com",
"list-users-from-startups": "https://sddl-list-users-from-startups.onrender.com",
"login": "https://sddl-login.onrender.com",
"logout": "https://sddl-logout.onrender.com",
"register-user": "https://sddl-register-user.onrender.com",
"user": "https://sddl-user.onrender.com",

"calendar-event-form": "https://sddl-calendar-event-form.onrender.com",
"calendar-event-list": "https://sddl-calendar-event-list.onrender.com",
"calendar-fragment": "https://sddl-calendar-fragment.onrender.com",
"task-create-form": "https://sddl-task-create-form.onrender.com",
"task-form": "https://sddl-task-form.onrender.com",
"task-fragment": "https://sddl-task-fragment.onrender.com",
"task-list": "https://sddl-task-list.onrender.com",

"note-creator": "https://sddl-note-creator.onrender.com",
"note-fragment": "https://sddl-note-fragment.onrender.com",
"place-creator": "https://sddl-place-creator.onrender.com",
"place-fragment": "https://sddl-place-fragment.onrender.com"

fixes required

jooaodanieel commented 1 year ago

Check out an explaining material of these changes https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMLBap0o=/?share_link_id=126673139019