Closed Wuzheng02 closed 1 month ago
If possible, please use English to communicate, this helps broaden the audience.
Did you change the code in
? This problem should not happen with the original codebase.
Thank you for your answer. I finally solved the problem by reconfiguring the environment.
Hello, when I was reproducing your code, I successfully configured the environment ( runs normally). However, after running python --config-path config/main --config-name digirl_online, I encountered the following error:
**Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:16<00:00, 8.07s/it] starting appium server at port 6652 starting appium server at port 6653 starting appium server at port 6654 starting appium server at port 6655 starting appium server at port 6656 starting appium server at port 6657 starting appium server at port 6658 starting appium server at port 6659 start iterations 0%| | 0/600 [00:00<?, ?it/s]KO: authentication token does not match ~/.emulator_console_auth_token KO: unknown command, try 'help' emulator-5554 has been shut down. Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test1.avd Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test2.avd Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test3.avd Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test4.avd Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test5.avd Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test6.avd Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test7.avd Copying the AVD folder from /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test_Android.avd to /data/home/wuzh/.android/avd/test8.avd Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test1 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5554 -no-window Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test2 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5556 -no-window Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test3 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5558 -no-window Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test4 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5560 -no-window Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test5 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5562 -no-window Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test6 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5564 -no-window Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test7 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5566 -no-window Starting the Emulator executing command /data/home/wuzh/.android/emulator/emulator -avd test8 "-no-audio" "-skip-adb-auth" "-no-boot-anim" "-gpu" "auto" "-no-snapshot-save" -port 5568 -no-window connected! connected! connected! connected! connected! connected! connected! connected! Timeout while accessing actions Timeout while accessing actions Timeout while accessing actions Error in environment interaction Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/home/wuzh/digirl/digirl/environment/", line 89, in batch_interact_environment action = agent.get_action(batch_obs,[i.unsqueeze(0) for i in batch_img], dim = 0)) File "/data/home/wuzh/digirl/digirl/models/", line 81, in get_action raw_action = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens = True) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'outputs' referenced before assignment
local variable 'outputs' referenced before assignment Resetting appium KO: authentication token does not match ~/.emulator_console_auth_token KO: unknown command, try 'help' emulator-5554 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OK emulator-5556 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OK emulator-5558 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OK emulator-5560 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OK emulator-5562 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OK emulator-5564 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OKr, bye bye OK emulator-5564 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OK emulator-5566 has been shut down. OK: killing emulator, bye bye OK emulator-5568 has been shut down. [75ed8d3b][Logcat] Logcat terminated with code 255, signal null [3864973f][Logcat] Logcat terminated with code 255, signal null [92a55bd3][Logcat] Logcat terminated with code 255, signal null [56ca0f3d][Logcat] Logcat terminated with code 255, signal null [12a4d8ed][Logcat] Logcat terminated with code 255, signal null [dd594866][Logcat] Logcat terminated with code 255, signal null [ec775a30][Logcat] Logcat terminated with code 255, signal null**