Digital-Forensics-Discord-Server / TheHitchhikersGuidetoDFIRExperiencesFromBeginnersandExperts

The official repo for a project involving a crowdsourced DFIR book. The main purpose of this book is to give anyone interested an opportunity to write a chapter of a book to get their name out there, get a publication on their resume with an actual ISBN number, and ideally lower the bar for people to contribute something back to the DFIR Community. Want to write a chapter? Let me know and let's make it happen!
MIT License
185 stars 22 forks source link

Update spelling.yml #208

Closed AndrewRathbun closed 10 months ago

AndrewRathbun commented 10 months ago

add 3 more dictionaries, alphabetize

github-actions[bot] commented 10 months ago

@check-spelling-bot Report

:red_circle: Please review

See the :open_file_folder: files view or the :scroll:action log for details.

Unrecognized words (151) ``` ASQ Asvyix ATw ause avml AYg AYQBk BBK bdw bfuscated BSY certutil cerutil chokepoints Chromebooks Cimq cleanroom cloudflare codependency courseware crowdsourced CRR Cryptor CTFs Cubrilovic cybercriminals daolya datasheet dcfldd Dco dcode DDI ddrescue Debian decompiling decryptors deobfuscating desolder detacsufb DFDS dfir DFL DFRWS DMDE dongles DRQ DVD DWF ecc EDvs electronical etir EVTX EWF ewfinfo ewfmount Excell exfat Fastport finetune firewalls Firsthop fls Foreniscs forensicator freenode fsstat FTK gamers gaurav gcc Geeksfor GFM Gillis googlegroup GPT Gretzky Hamdard harddisks hashcat hashconv hashesorg hashfile hashkiller hashlog hashwindow Hayabusa hdd headmap heckpoint hfs hfsl hfsp hiberfil HKCU HKLM hof hotkeys HPA Huawei HUMINT hve IAAAAAAAEA icat IDX iex ight IIV imagefile imgur imnplementations IMQH IMSI inish Intup IOSR istat jadx JBC JLVICAGWc Joyn Jrnl JTAG kaim Kapooht KDE keyholders keyspace keytool Koishigawa kruuna labmates Lahr latexmath lba leded libesedb libevtx libewf libimobiledevice libjpeg liblnk libregf libscca Libyal lockpicks Loshin losmilzo LSko Lutkevich pendrives ```
Some files were automatically ignored :see_no_evil: These sample patterns would exclude them: ``` (?:|$^ 87.34% - excluded 69/79)^manuscript/resources/ ``` You should consider excluding directory paths (e.g. `(?:^|/)vendor/`), filenames (e.g. `(?:^|/)yarn\.lock$`), or file extensions (e.g. `\.gz$`) You should consider adding them to: ``` .github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt ``` File matching is via Perl regular expressions. To check these files, more of their words need to be in the dictionary than not. You can use `patterns.txt` to exclude portions, add items to the dictionary (e.g. by adding them to `allow.txt`), or fix typos.
To accept :heavy_check_mark: these unrecognized words as correct and update file exclusions, run the following commands ... in a clone of the []( repository on the `AndrewRathbun-patch-4` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?]( ``` sh curl -s -S -L '' | perl - '' ```


To have the bot accept :heavy_check_mark: them for you, reply quoting the following line: @check-spelling-bot apply updates.

Available :books: dictionaries could cover words (expected and unrecognized) not in the :blue_book: dictionary This includes both **expected items** (38) from .github/actions/spelling/expect.txt and **unrecognized words** (151) Dictionary | Entries | Covers | Uniquely -|-|-|- [cspell:cpp/src/compiler-gcc.txt](|17|1|| [cspell:cpp/src/ecosystem.txt](|51|1|| [cspell:golang/dict/go.txt](|2099|1|| Consider adding them (in `.github/workflows/spelling.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@prerelease` in its `with`: ``` yml with: extra_dictionaries: cspell:cpp/src/compiler-gcc.txt cspell:cpp/src/ecosystem.txt cspell:golang/dict/go.txt ``` To stop checking additional dictionaries, add (in `.github/workflows/spelling.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@prerelease` in its `with`: ``` yml check_extra_dictionaries: '' ```
Errors (4) See the [:open_file_folder: files]( view or the [:scroll:action log]( for details. [:x: Errors]( | Count -|- [:information_source: binary-file]( | 65 [:x: check-file-path]( | 15 [:x: forbidden-pattern]( | 10 [:information_source: large-file]( | 4 See [:x: Event descriptions]( for more information.
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives If items relate to a ... * binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all). Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file. File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files. `^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude []( ../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using). * well-formed pattern. If you can write a [pattern]( ) that would match it, try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file. Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines. Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.

:steam_locomotive: If you're seeing this message and your PR is from a branch that doesn't have check-spelling, please merge to your PR's base branch to get the version configured for your repository.