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Post-TEIGarage Zotero data #34

Closed amclark42 closed 1 year ago

amclark42 commented 1 year ago

Updates the post-OxGarage XSLT to handle processing instructions that are artifacts of the Zotero word processor plugins (e.g. article 000683).

If there are Zotero PIs containing JSON data, they are processed before anything else. The processed data is then tunneled to the templates that require them (inline citations, and the bibliography). The XSLT now provides a global parameter show-zotero-data that can copy the original PIs and print the JSON data for debugging purposes. By default, show-zotero-data is set to false.

The XSLT attempts to turn Zotero JSON data into <biblStruct>s and match them to <p rend="Bibliography"> where possible. <p rend="Bibliography">s not present in the inline citations (or simply not matched) are minimally converted to <bibl>s. <biblStruct>s that were cited inline but which could not be matched to a <p> are appended to the other bibliography entries (under a comment, marking them for review).