Digital-Humanities-Quarterly / dhq-journal

DHQ is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal of digital humanities.
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add `@xml:lang` to `<q>` #51

Closed sydb closed 10 months ago

sydb commented 10 months ago

Added xml:lang= to the 'q' element. I compared the new RNG file to the old, enough to convince myself there were no major side-effects. I did not, however, try validating all the articles again.

So my instinct is that if we do want to allow <q> with @xml:lang, this is probably good to go. If not, it should be rejected.

Note that it looks to me like common/xslt/dhq2html.xsl will process <q> with @xml:lang properly already — no change required.

sydb commented 10 months ago

Note to reviewers: If you compare the files here on GitHub:

  1. Most important to compare common/schema/DHQauthor-TEI.xml
  2. Probably want to compare with “hide whitespace” checked, lest you go nuts.
juliaflanders commented 10 months ago

This change seems unproblematic