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Autograding broken #16

Open meyerdav opened 1 year ago

meyerdav commented 1 year ago

Having only changed a config file (log std) and the readme, autograding suddenly fails. I have changed nothing, so I think this must be a bug with autograding. Can you confirm?

Error message:

E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pylocogym.cmake_variables'

meyerdav commented 1 year ago

Currently seems to work again

MiguelZamoraM commented 1 year ago
Pablo-Paniagua commented 1 year ago

I am having the same issue with the autograding. Any information on how to fix this?

Pablo-Paniagua commented 1 year ago

Spamming seems to work. Just sent it again and again until it got the hang of it I guess.

MiguelZamoraM commented 1 year ago

The purpose of auto-grading is to help you get a correct implementation for the rewards. If you already have that, then you don't need to worry about those issues. If you are implementing the rewards, consider running the tests locally. See issue #9.

When grading, I will double-check locally the tests for the repos that fail the test cases on GitHub.

Pablo-Paniagua commented 1 year ago

I know they are just for helping with the implementation of the weights. I just wanted the main final commit to have a passed autograding for sanity purposes (an aesthetic I guess).

MiguelZamoraM commented 1 year ago

For completeness please take a look at Issue #17, in case you encounter this problem again.