Digital-Sapphire / PyUpdater

Pyinstaller auto-update library
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Client.update_check(APPNAME, APPVERSION) always returning None? #294

Closed elgizabbasov closed 3 years ago

elgizabbasov commented 3 years ago

I am trying to use PyUpdater with PyQt5 and when the code reaches the check for updates, it always returns None. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

from pyupdater.client import Client
from client_config import ClientConfig
from qtwindow import MyWindow
import pyqtupdater
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication

def CheckForUpdates():
    CLIENT_CFG = ClientConfig()
    client = Client(ClientConfig())
    # Optionally you can use release channels
    # Channel options are stable, beta & alpha
    # Note: Patches are only created & applied on the stable channel
    app_update = client.update_check(CLIENT_CFG.APP_NAME, pyqtupdater.APP_VERSION, channel='stable')
    print(app_update) # Currently none 
    # Use the update object to download an update & restart the app
    if app_update is not None:
        downloaded =
        if downloaded is True:
            status = 'Extracting update and restarting.'

def Run():
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    win = MyWindow()

if __name__ == "__main__":
elgizabbasov commented 3 years ago

In addition to that, I thought that if I build and process & sign a release say 1.0, and then change my version to 1.1 and build and process & sign it again, the 1.0 executable PyQt5 application would automatically open up a window with the 1.1 version but it is still showing me version 1.0, do I have to do stuff manually to update it or how would this work?

elgizabbasov commented 3 years ago

The issue was on my end, you can close it :)

asad1234go commented 3 years ago

The issue was on my end, you can close it :)

How you solve this issue same thing are with me. I received this error DEBUG:pyupdater.client:Setting up directories... DEBUG:dsdev_utils.helpers:Version str: 1.1.0 DEBUG:pyupdater.client:No update manifest found Version 1 Actually I want to download file from github and update app from pyupdater.client import Client,AppUpdate, LibUpdate import logging from client_config import ClientConfig

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) APP_NAME = 'PyUpdater App' APP_VERSION = '1.1.0'

ASSET_NAME = 'PyUpdater App' ASSET_VERSION = '1.2.0'

def progress(data): print('Time remaining'.format(data['time']))

def log_progress(data): log.debug('Total file size %s', data['total'])

Or you can add them later.

client = Client(ClientConfig(),refersh=True,headers={'basic_auth': 'wpN1q1X5wOuID21CFzjgdnNVY7qIOlipZeQACb3jeqc'})



client.platform = "win" app_update = client.update_check(APP_NAME,APP_VERSION) if app_update is not None: else: print("Version 1")

if app_update.is_downloaded():



And client_config file code are class ClientConfig(object): PUBLIC_KEY = 'wpN1q1X5wOuID21CFzjgdnNVY7qIOlipZeQACb3jeqc' APP_NAME = 'PyUpdater App' COMPANY_NAME = 'JBL' HTTP_TIMEOUT = 30 MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES = 3 UPDATE_URLS = [''] and github link are