Digital-Square-Tanzania / opensrp-client-addo

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Kituoni app crashes immediately after entering login credentials #45

Open issyzac opened 2 weeks ago

issyzac commented 2 weeks ago

When the application is being innitialized check the shared prefs that are being created they might be causing the app to crash

issyzac commented 6 days ago

this could be device specific issue, needs to be investigated with different devices

issyzac commented 6 days ago

After investigation, the application crashes in an instant where the initialization process has been interfered and did not finish successfully, the initialization process is responsible to creating all the necesarry environment for all the features to work as expected, when interfered this will cause all the subsequent tries to access the application fail. To get out of this one should clear the application data and login the platform again without interfering the initialization process and everything should work fine.

issyzac commented 6 days ago

Proposed way forward: Extend the loading view to until the application has completed the initialization process