DigitalCommons / mykomap

A web application for mapping initiatives in the Solidarity Economy
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[CWM] Build Directory and Search Panels #272

Open ms0ur1s opened 1 week ago

ms0ur1s commented 1 week ago


We need to build the directory and search panels based on the designs outlined in issue #264. These panels consist of multiple components, which can be broken down into separate issues if necessary. However, for now, all components will be tracked within this issue as individual tasks (checkboxes). Each task can be completed independently following @rogup's recommended trunk-based development workflow.

This issue also includes the integration of Storybook.js into the development process and the implementation of mock data for specific components, such as the 'Select box' in the filter panel and the 'Result item' in the results panel.

Component Tree Schematic:

    ComponentContainer Panel (shared)
        Component Heading component
        Component Close button (shared), (mobile)
        Component Close tab (shared), (desktop)
        Component Search box
        ComponentContainer Directory panel
            Component Directory item
        ComponentContainer Filter panel
            Component Select box (shared)
            Component Button (shared)
        ComponentContainer About panel
            Component Rich text / markdown display panel

    ComponentContainer Results panel
        Component Close button (shared), (mobile)
        Component Close tab (shared), (desktop)
        Component Button (shared)
        Component Result item

    ComponentContainer Menu bar
        Component Menu item


1. Set up Storybook.js integration

2. Create Shared Components

3. Create Panel Component

4. Build Directory Panel Components

5. Build Filter Panel Components

6. Build About Panel Components

7. Build Results Panel Components

8. Build Menu Bar Components

9. Mock Data Integration

Added 12/09/24 10. Create app theme

Acceptance Criteria

ms0ur1s commented 1 week ago

Adobe XD Prototypes

Trunk based development

Storybook Good Storybook intro video

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import { Histogram } from './Histogram';

const meta: Meta<typeof Histogram> = {
  component: Histogram,

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof Histogram>;

export const Default: Story = {
  args: {
    dataType: 'latency',
    showHistogramLabels: true,
    histogramAccentColor: '#1EA7FD',
    label: 'Latency distribution',
rogup commented 1 week ago

This plan looks sick!

ms0ur1s commented 1 week ago

This plan looks sick!

Thanks @rogup, should I create these components within the mykomap-react repo?

rogup commented 1 week ago

This plan looks sick!

Thanks @rogup, should I create these components within the mykomap-react repo?

@ms0ur1s That project has been closed and migrated to a workspace within

So you'll need to clone mykomap-monolith, then make changes to the front-end app, either directly to main if they're small or in small PRs. Note that the monorepo uses npm workspaces, so there's a particular way of installing packages with the -w option (see the root README). If that doesn't make sense or you have questions, happy to do a quick walkthrough on a call tomorrow morning 😊

ms0ur1s commented 1 week ago

@ms0ur1s That project has been closed and migrated to a workspace within

So you'll need to clone mykomap-monolith, then make changes to the front-end app, either directly to main if they're small or in small PRs. Note that the monorepo uses npm workspaces, so there's a particular way of installing packages with the -w option (see the root README). If that doesn't make sense or you have questions, happy to do a quick walkthrough on a call tomorrow morning 😊

Thanks @rogup, I'll clone the mykomap-monolith and I'll give you a shout if (when) I get stuck.