DigitalCommons / mykomap

A web application for mapping initiatives in the Solidarity Economy
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Please record interesting maps here #7

Open matt-wallis opened 6 years ago

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

We frequently encounter interesting maps that display some aspect of the Solidarity Economy. This issue is a place to record these - a kind of 'holding area' until they can be put into a properly curated list.

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago (mostly focused on Germany, as at April 2018)

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

Swansea Green Map:

Clara-dos-Santos commented 6 years ago

Social and Solidarity Economy Map/App in Argentina:

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

uMap: Make your own map:

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago


ColmMassey commented 6 years ago

Before adding any more maps here, look here. ..sea-internal\Projects\Open Data and Maps\Delivery\Consortium Candidates.ods

SEAKatDarling commented 6 years ago

I think this repo is public, so other people won't be able to access our organisational files @ColmMassey

ColmMassey commented 6 years ago

Easy to forget that. So no dirty laundry in the this Repo. :-)

Still not worth SEA team adding maps here that are already in that doc.

Clara-dos-Santos commented 6 years ago

@ColmMassey just having a look at the file you mentioned above and I'm finding it quite confusing. The spreadsheet seems to refer to a list of candidate partners for the project (which include some mapping projects, but it's not only about mapping projects) and this issue is about listing interesting mapping projects we come across. I find the issue view quite easy to follow and, if the proposal is to use the spreadsheet, that might need some restructuring. Is that the proposal?

ColmMassey commented 6 years ago

It just seems like an unusual way of using a Github Issue. When would we close this issue? Or is it like the recurrent one, they live forever?!

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

It just seems like an unusual way of using a Github Issue. When would we close this issue? Or is it like the recurrent one, they live forever?!

I created the issue in response to seeing interesting maps being mentioned on Signal. Each time one was mentioned, I found myself thinking that I should add the map URL to a list somewhere that everyone could see. This issue is that list, and anyone can add to it :-) In due course, the list should probably be organized into something else, but at the moment, it serves the purpose of keeping everything in one place.

Agreed - it's an odd use of an issue :-)

SEAKatDarling commented 6 years ago

This sounds a really interesting project to co-create data standards for local government services to create a range of tools, including a map -

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

Not a geographical map, but a map of Linked Open Data! (which has just been updated):

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

Various SocioEco maps:

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

Comment by @Clara-dos-Santos move to

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

Mapping Community, created by Jeremy Kidwell, University of Birmingham. See also SolidarityEconomyAssociation/open-data-and-maps-outreach#45

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

Green Map have helped communities make maps in 65 countries.

ColmMassey commented 6 years ago although I think that person is also involved with which I've been aware of for a while.

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago although I think that person is also involved with which I've been aware of for a while.

@ColmMassey, I can't find a map at this link. Am I missing something?

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

In Portugal: I've been told by Jeremy Kidwell that an interesting aspect of this mapping initiative is that the only way to get on the map is to enter your own data. The thinking behind this is that nobody should find themselves on a map without expecting to do so, and having given very active consent.

ColmMassey commented 6 years ago

ColmMassey commented 6 years ago

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago

Start Network is delighted to release details of new features added to its innovative Start Fund portal.

The new mapping tool aims to improve decision-making and accountability, by enabling members, donors, local partners and the public to see at-a-glance the reach of the Start Fund and all the countries it works in.

The interactive map provides easy access to information on Start Fund alerts and responses and their impact. It can be filtered by country, agency, crisis type, or live responses. Users can also customise the map to show impact, including funding awarded and people reached, by filters they choose.

SEAKatDarling commented 6 years ago - map of renewable energy projects in Oxfordshire, by the Low Carbon Hub. It looks really great and user friendly, the branding is lovely and makes you want to spend time on it. Source code is on GitHub -

SEAKatDarling commented 6 years ago

Scrapbook - map of litter in Scotland -

ColmMassey commented 6 years ago

A small note: on a former EU project, P2Pvalue, we mapped commons initiatives in general, but more relevant to this, the project also performed a mapping specifically on Catalan cases (1,300!) including both commons initiatives and cooperatives: I guess there will be overlap with pamapam, but just to add to the diversity of coop maps out there.

For P2P Models, the issues of mapping or linked data are out of scope; still I'm happy to contribute to the discussion. Samer Hassan

ColmMassey commented 6 years ago See also Open Data Communities

matt-wallis commented 6 years ago See also Open Data Communities

Very interesting, @ColmMassey. I'd like to link to the underlying dataset from our LOD. See SolidarityEconomyAssociation/open-data-and-maps#86.

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

This isn't a map, but an article about how maps are being used: How Tenants Use Digital Mapping to Track Bad Landlords and Gentrification

Jo-SEA commented 5 years ago

Some maps I like...

Happy Cow have a map of vegan, veggie and vegan-friendly shops and restaurants. Enter any location in the box at the top to view the map.

Yesterday I found this small music venues map

And also yesterday while looking for a space for my flatmate's friends to park when they come to visit her, we found this Parkopedia. Again, enter a location and some dates and times you want to park, then the map will come up.

SEAKatDarling commented 5 years ago

Newly launched Real Bread Map -

SEAKatDarling commented 5 years ago

Map of voluntary organisations that have been awarded Investing in Volunteers mark of excellence -

VersteegenAudrey commented 5 years ago

Had anybody seen this one before? IndependentOx map: Nice looking too.

Clara-dos-Santos commented 5 years ago

I had! Totally forgot to add it to the Issue. They did a really nice printout version to put at their pop up shop over Christmas too - Robbie (Ox. Alterations) might have a copy of that!

Jo-SEA commented 5 years ago

Clara-dos-Santos commented 5 years ago

Urban Alternatives

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago - May be using Linked data???

joebillings commented 5 years ago - May be using Linked data???

It's fast too!

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago @joebillings Note the convention of using drops for exact locations and circles for approximate locations.

joebillings commented 5 years ago


If an initiative serves an area rather than has a location we could draw the area they serve on the map. This could be in addition to using a different icon or not.

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago German inititatives

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago

CTRLshift partners

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

ucl chris church

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago