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Please record here interesting applications that use Linked Data #8

Closed matt-wallis closed 1 year ago

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

This issue arose from a need to be able to give people examples of Linked Data in action, especially examples which might be familiar to people who have probably not even heard of Linked Data.

A question was put to the public-lod forum in the thread Examples of applications built on LOD.

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Google info boxes

These are boxes that appear to the right of the main search results. For exampe, if you search for Solidarity Economy, you get this info box:


These first appeared in Google in 2012, following Google's acquisition of FreeBase, together with it's 1.9 billion pieces of information (in Linked Data).

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Helping firefighters

Hear a fireman talk about Linked Open Data, and the difference it makes

The videos of Bart talking are well worth viewing. (I found that the big 'play' button in the centre of the video didn't work, but the smaller one at the bottom left did work.)

He talks about the importance of standards and openness, all in the context of providing information to firefighters.

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Viewing EU law

Thanks to Thomas Francart for

You can access EU law from The whole thing is built on LOD.

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago publishes open data about companies all over the world. They use many LOD sources, but their main interface isn't LD.

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

BBC Sports coverage

Olympic Games have quite a lot of data! There are many opportunities to link this data: between competitors, the events they compete in, the schedules, existing world records, and games records, the teams from each country, historical information about how athletes have performed in the past, etc. etc.

The BBC used Linked Data to do all of this, with near-real-time updates of their triplestore (that's where you store data in the Linked Data world) as results came in. The results shown on your telly (and vast amounts of other information disseminated by the BBC) depended on Linked Data.

This built on work already done on the BBC's Dynamic Semantic Publishing platform for the 2010 World Cup

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Luxembourg legislation

Thanks to Thomas Francart for

The portal for the publication of legislation in Luxembourg is entirely built on an RDF "legal knowledge graph" of the legislation (legislations are linked through typed links amends/repeals/consolidates/transposes etc.). The portal for data access and SPARQL queries is at Legislation URIs are dereferencables, e.g. "curl -L --header "Accept: application/rdf+xml""

Some visual benefits :

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Finland: cultural heritage "Sampo" semantic portals

Thanks to Hyvönen Eero:

In Finland, a series of cultural heritage "Sampo" semantic portals based on LOD and SPARQL endpoints are widely used at the moment also by 'the average man / woman':

"BookSampo - Finnish Fiction Literature on the Semantic Web (2011-)" had in 2017 ca 2 million users making it a key portal of the Public Libraries in Finland. The system is based on academic research and publications reported here but is nowadays fully maintained by the Public Libraries.

"WarSampo - Finnish World War II on the Semantic Web" (2015-)" had in 2017 130 000 users, and is based on data linked from the National Archives of Finland, Defense Force archives and other sources. The system is based on academic research and publications reported here

"BiographySampo - Finnish Life Stories of the Semantic Web" (2018-) was released a month ago and is based on a knowledge graph extracted automatically from 13 000 biographies of the Finnish Literature Society (FLS), including the National Biography, and interlinked with 13 other external data sources. We expect a lot of users for BiographySampo, since the traditional biography system of FLS, using the same biographies, has 300 000 users in a year, BiographySampo provides much more intelligent services for the user (7 different application perspectives), and the biographies of FLS in BiographySampo are not anymore behind a pay wall but are openly available in this portal. The system is based on academic research and publications reported here .

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Apple Siri uses Wikidata

Thanks to Ettore RIZZA:

If it's about finding examples for laypersons, why not Apple's Siri, which uses Wikidata

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

access to UK HE research equipment

Thanks to Christopher Gutteridge:

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Organisation Profile Documents

Thanks to Christopher Gutteridge:

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

IOS Press: LD Connect

Thanks to Krzysztof Janowicz:

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

The City of Winnipeg's neighborhood NOW site

Thanks to Mike Bergman:

The City of Winnipeg's neighborhood NOW site [1], which is a customer-facing portal for interactive recreational, social, and community data of interest to citizens, and a related and award-winning sustainability and social well-being site maintained by United Way of Winnipeg and other partners [2], are based on RDF, OWL and embrace LOD aspects. There are lots of goodies with which to play, and some cool JS on both of these sites. There is also much and varied data, much with quantitative values used for mapping or charting.

[1] [2]

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Library of Congress of Chile

Thanks to Francisco Cifuentes Silva:

Also from the Library of Congress of Chile, we have a LOD portal with a sparql endpoint (http// Here we have published some KG such as: legislation (also XML documents in AKN), geographic data, parliamentaries, national budget, among others.

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

The Senate of The Republic of Italy

Thanks to Davide Palmisano:

The Senate of The Republic of Italy has a LOD portal (equipped with sparql) full of data related to senators parliamentary activity.

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

UK Photonics

Thanks to Simon Cox:

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

Geomii Parking app

(find a parking space)

Thanks to Simon Cox: (and on Play), which is based on the data from

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago

UK Crime map

Thanks to Simon Cox: might be useful to you, although it is not live data any more.

matt-wallis commented 5 years ago


Thanks to Simon Cox: and other sites that are based on its descendants (such as ).

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago


OSM Semantic Network

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago

EU Open Data Portal

ColmMassey commented 5 years ago - French "The Virtual Assembly is an ecosystem of people and organizations developing Commons (tools, methodologies and projects) in a collaborative way to empower the transition movements." - How they load transform and publish linked data. - Lightweight, easy to install LinkedData server.

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

Example of Integrating ActivityPub with Linked Data

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

Open Food Network's linked data solution for mapping the local food production supply chain.

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago French co-op Happdev's webcomponent framework for creating solid-linked data enabled applications.

ColmMassey commented 4 years ago

Some research papers using LOD for GIS work.