DigitalGlobe / gbdxtools

(Deprecated) Python SDK for using GBDX
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RDAImages with an Orthorectify Op are shifted if GSD is not specified #743

Closed drwelby closed 4 years ago

drwelby commented 5 years ago

rda = RDA()
r2graph = rda.Radarsat2ProductRead(path=prod_loc)

params2 = ortho_params("EPSG:4326", gsd=None)
r2oggraphnogsd=rda.Orthorectify(r2graph, **params2)
imgnogsd = RDAImage(r2oggraphnogsd)

If gsd is None or not defined, RDA will generate the image at the original source resolution. The resulting image object will have the correct bounds in space, but the image contents are shifted. It appears that incorrect tiles coordinates are calculated, causing the wrong tiles to be fetched for a given area.

This also seems to affect the Radarsat class.

drwelby commented 5 years ago

With the upcoming graph deprecation this will probably not be fixed, but we should try to reproduce with a template.

drwelby commented 4 years ago

Closing for now.