Open TitouanGragnic opened 1 week ago
Needed function implemented (in order):
I didn't incuded all the functions of the Matlap code because I'm not sure if they are all relevant, I only inculded those I tought were obvious
otsu is working in branch add_ostsu
Here is a detailed step by step guide on how to mplement the vessels mask (vein + artery):
I/ First Masks and Correlation
sqrt((X - numX / 2) .^ 2 + (Y - numY / 2) .^ 2) <= 0.45 * (numY + numX) / 2;
1) Compute vesselness response
mean(M0_disp_video, 3)
2) Compute first correlation
vascularPulse = sum(M0_disp_video .* maskVesselness, [1 2]); vascularPulse = vascularPulse ./ nnz(maskVesselness); vascularPulse_centered = vascularPulse - mean(vascularPulse, 3);
mean(M0_disp_centered_video .* vascularPulse_centered, 3) ./ (std((M0_disp_centered_video), [], 3) * std(vascularPulse_centered, [], 3));
3) Compute the barycentres and the circle mask
Physisict said we already have the varycentres, need more specification from them
4) Segment Vessels
5) Segment Arteries and Veins
[ ] Get first version of vein and artery mask from the previous classes
firstMaskArtery = quantizedVesselCorrelation == 4 |quantizedVesselCorrelation == 5; firstMaskVein = quantizedVesselCorrelation == 3 | quantizedVesselCorrelation == 2;
[ ] Use bwareaopen to remove small 'blobs' from the two masks
II/ Compute the second correlation to fine tune the segmentation
1) Compute the new pulse
Let's do that and we'll see after for the cleaning
Need to do interpolation: 2 suggestions