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A repository for the LDLT Guidelines
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Using @type/@ana to classify readings #50

Open adunning opened 4 years ago

adunning commented 4 years ago

'12.14. Tagging Readings for Analysis' uses the @ana attribute to classify variants, giving this example:

 <lem wit="#N #P #GlaeserSqq">vicit</lem>
 <rdg wit="#G" ana="#morphological">vīcit</rdg>
 <rdg wit="#d" ana="#lexical">ludit</rdg>
 <rdg wit="#V" ana="#lexical">lusit</rdg>
 <rdg wit="#μ" ana="#lexical">visit</rdg>
 <rdg wit="#γ" ana="#subtractive"/>

The TEI guidelines for the critical apparatus give two unexplained instances of the @ana approach, but most of their examples and all the documentation suggests @type for this instead, for example:

 <lem wit="#El #Ra2">though</lem>
 <rdgGrp type="orthographic">
  <rdg wit="#La">thogh</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#Hg">thouh</rdg>
 <lem wit="#El #Hg">Experience</lem>
 <rdg wit="#La" type="substantive">Experiment</rdg>
 <rdg wit="#Ra2" type="substantive">Eryment</rdg>

Such examples are among the first things that will come up if one searches for 'substantive' in the LDLT guidelines, which is apt to create confusion. Could I suggest revising the guidelines to follow the main TEI approach in using @type?