DigitalLibrarian / VS2010Projects

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Spatially Partitioned Population Management #53

Open DigitalLibrarian opened 8 years ago

DigitalLibrarian commented 8 years ago

SpawnerAgent has to go. It's threads have to go. The ability to make as many as you want has to go.

Breeding will be available everywhere, and only local partners will be considered.

The first iteration will use DynamicSpace and each partition will have the equivalent of a SpawnerAgent to manage the local population.

The PopulationManager, for each partition, will :

Need to figure out how to configure such a thing. The SpawnerAgent was a model you dropped in the world, so clicking on it made sense.

DigitalLibrarian commented 8 years ago

We like our big wall of sliders that give us control over everything, but it is tedious to set up networks. This system we are moving to will create "spawner agents" dynamically as organisms move further away from the original seed point. It will be available everywhere.

We will need to figure out:

I can kind of imagine an interesting system that uses LOD style drop offs for this kind of stuff, so more processing time is spent working on things closer to the player. I could imagine that we might want to throttle back breeding or death for sectors that are occluded or far away.