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UTK MODS Feed for utc_p16877coll6 has 2 bad records #299

Open markpbaggett opened 1 year ago

markpbaggett commented 1 year ago

Why are You Reporting an Issue

Problem with Set or Transform

I haven't looked at this too closely but this appears to be a problem with the trasform not properly spacing rights uris:

This is a bad record:
  {'mods': {'@xmlns': '', '@xmlns:xsi': '', '@xmlns:xlink': '', '@xmlns:oai_dc': '', '@xmlns:dc': '', '@xmlns:oai': '', '@version': '3.5', '@xsi:schemaLocation': '', 'titleInfo': {'title': '"Dead End" Ypres'}, 'identifier': ['30575', '90-288'], 'name': {'namePart': 'Warfield, Francis B.', 'role': {'roleTerm': {'@type': 'text', '@valueURI': '', '#text': 'Creator'}}}, 'originInfo': {'dateCreated': {'@encoding': 'edtf', '@keyDate': 'yes', '#text': '1918'}}, 'physicalDescription': {'internetMediaType': 'image/jp2'}, 'location': [{'url': [{'@usage': 'primary', '@access': 'object in context', '#text': ''}, {'@access': 'preview', '#text': ''}, {'@note': 'iiif-manifest', '#text': ''}], 'physicalLocation': 'Tennessee State Library and Archives'}, {'url': ''}], 'genre': {'@authority': 'aat', '@valueURI': '', '#text': 'photographs'}, 'subject': [{'topic': 'War'}, {'topic': 'World War, 1914-1918'}, {'topic': 'Canals'}, {'topic': 'Barracks'}, {'topic': 'Military camps'}, {'topic': "Officers' quarters"}, {'topic': 'Mess halls'}, {'geographic': 'Ypres (Belgium)'}], 'abstract': 'This photograph features the "Dead End" of the Ypres Canal in the foreground of the image. Behind it appears the officers\' and noncommissioned officers\' billets and the mess hall. The caption reads: "All comforts of home. Roulette, Tea and boating in the afternoon."', 'accessCondition': {'@type': 'local rights statement', '#text': 'While TSLA houses an item, it does not necessarily hold the copyright on the item, nor may it be able to determine if the item is still protected under current copyright law. Users are solely responsible for determining the existence of such instances and for obtaining any other permissions and paying associated fees, that may be necessary for the intended use.'}, 'typeOfResource': 'still image', 'relatedItem': [{'@type': 'host', '@displayLabel': 'Collection', 'titleInfo': {'title': 'Frierson-Warfield Papers, 1813-1928'}}, {'@type': 'host', '@displayLabel': 'Project', 'titleInfo': {'title': 'Tennessee in World War I'}, 'abstract': 'The photographs in this online exhibit, selected from the Frierson-Warfield Papers and Karl Kleeman World War I Photographs, provide a thoughtful look at the Western Front during World War I from an American perspective. The photographs were chosen for their high quality and because they present a visual history of the 30th (Old Hickory) Division. Those researching this collection may find some of the images disturbing, especially the ones of dead soldiers. Some of the pictures were taken by individuals fighting in the war, while others were made by the U.S. Army Signal Corps and mass produced. Both types are striking in their portrayal of the horrors of the Great War...', 'location': {'url': ''}}], 'recordInfo': {'recordContentSource': 'Tennessee State Library and Archives', 'recordChangeDate': '2023-05-24-04:00', 'languageOfCataloging': {'languageTerm': {'@type': 'code', '@authority': 'iso639-2b', '#text': 'eng'}}, 'recordOrigin': 'Record has been transformed into MODS 3.5 from a qualified Dublin Core record by the Digital Library of Tennessee, a service hub of the Digital Public Library of America, using a stylesheet available at Metadata originally created in a locally modified version of qualified Dublin Core using ContentDM (data dictionary available:'}}}
This is a bad record:
  {'mods': {'@xmlns': '', '@xmlns:xlink': '', '@xmlns:dltn': '', '@xmlns:xsi': '', '@version': '3.5', '@xsi:schemaLocation': '', 'titleInfo': {'title': 'Emma Bell Miles journal, 1915'}, 'abstract': "Journal authored by Walden's Ridge naturalist, artist, and author Emma Bell Miles from 1915 June 15 to 1915 September 22. The journal also includes newspaper clippings of Miles' Fountain Square Conversation column authored for the Chattanooga News.", 'name': {'namePart': 'Miles, Emma Bell, 1879-1919', 'role': {'roleTerm': {'@authority': 'marcrelator', '@authorityURI': '', '#text': 'Creator'}}}, 'subject': [{'topic': 'Women authors, American'}, {'topic': 'Emma Bell Miles, 1879-1919'}, {'geographic': 'Walden Ridge (Tenn.)'}, {'geographic': 'Appalachian Region, Southern'}], 'language': {'languageTerm': {'@type': 'code', '@authority': 'iso639-2b', '#text': 'eng'}}, 'identifier': {'@type': 'local', '#text': 'MS-078-02-16-03'}, 'originInfo': {'publisher': 'University of Tennessee at Chattanooga', 'dateCreated': {'@encoding': 'edtf', '@point': 'start', '#text': '1915'}}, 'accessCondition': {'@type': 'use and reproduction', '@xlink:href': ''}, 'location': {'url': [{'@usage': 'primary', '@access': 'object in context', '#text': ''}, {'@access': 'preview', '#text': ''}]}, 'relatedItem': [{'@type': 'host', 'titleInfo': {'title': ['Emma Bell Miles journals, 1908-1918', 'Emma Bell Miles correspondence, journals, and other material, 1874-1918', 'Jean Miles Catino and Emma Bell Miles papers', 'Special Collections']}}, {'@displayLabel': 'Collection', 'titleInfo': {'title': 'Emma Bell Miles Southern Appalachia art and correspondence'}}], 'physicalDescription': {'internetMediaType': ['image/jp2', 'text/plain'], 'extent': '100 leaves', 'form': ['Text', 'diaries']}, 'recordInfo': {'recordContentSource': 'University of Tennessee at Chattanooga', 'recordChangeDate': '2023-05-24-04:00', 'languageOfCataloging': {'languageTerm': {'@type': 'code', '@authority': 'iso639-2b', '#text': 'eng'}}, 'recordOrigin': 'Record has been transformed into MODS 3.5 from a Qualified Dublin Core record by the Digital Library of Tennessee, a service hub of the Digital Public Library of America, using a stylesheet available at Metadata originally created in a locally modified version of Qualified Dublin Core using ContentDM (data dictionary available:'}}}