See README (in this branch) for the overview of the whole structure, how to setup, etc.
A non-exhausitve list of changes/details
separated backend and frontend
they now live in separate directories
basic premise is that after bundling frontend stuff, you should be able to take only the backend/ directory and run
Webpack is instructed to dump stats file and bundles into backend/_frontend_outputs
setup Python virtualenv
setup Webpack differently
allow mulitple entry points (aka. different bundles for apps)
do ES2015 transpilation
bundle common stuff (like React and ReactDOM, and maybe ReactRouter in the future) in a separte commons.js bundle
created a core Django app in which we will put
shared templates (most app should not need to define any templates, as they are all the same since we are doing client-side rendering: just load React)
See README (in this branch) for the overview of the whole structure, how to setup, etc.
A non-exhausitve list of changes/details
directory and runbackend/_frontend_outputs
Django app in which we will putNext steps