DigitalMitford / DM_Journal_1819-1823

repository for development work with Mary Russell Mitford's Journal of 1819-1823
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Who is Mrs. Body? Is she Ann Body? #70

Open ebeshero opened 9 months ago

ebeshero commented 9 months ago

@lmwilson We're running into repeated references to a Mrs. Body, who's first connected to Mr. Body in MRM's Journal. These entries mention "Mr. and Mrs. Body":

These entries mention MRM visiting just Mr. Body:

@tylerakam has been tagging these as Ann Body, who's listed in our SI as an independent farmer (found in records in the 1840s / 50s). Richard Body (our Mr. Body) isn't mentioned in her entry--we're not really sure if Ann is the Mrs. Body mentioned in the journal. What do you think?

ebeshero commented 9 months ago

Okay, lots more entries (38 so far) mention "Body" (re persons or places) in some way: Handy XPath: //div[@type='entry'][contains(., 'Body')]

The first (I think) that mentions Mrs. Richard Body is this one:

<div type="entry" xml:id="e-525">
               <head><date when="1820-06-19">Monday 19th</date></head>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#ThreeMileCross">home</placeName>--wrote to dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>--called on <persName>Mrs. Richard
                     Body</persName>--dressed my <name ref="#flower">flowers</name>--<persName ref="#Valpy_Richard">Dr.
                     Valpy</persName> &amp; <persName ref="#Dickinson_Charles #Dickinson_Mrs">Mr.
                     &amp; Mrs. Dickinson</persName> called on us.</p>