Until we have some kind of assembler / configurator / customiser / ... , my feeling is that the status quo mechanism for adding service modules to a deployment (having an end user editing a docker-compose file) is clunky. As other components get copied into the solution files, if any executable files are needed (eg .sh) their chmod +x bits are at risk of getting lost.
In any deployment that gets regularly used, it won't be long before somebody misclicks or submits a typo. I suggest this module is so useful it joins the 'standard library' for this solution.
Include the sds_edit service module as standard.
Until we have some kind of assembler / configurator / customiser / ... , my feeling is that the status quo mechanism for adding service modules to a deployment (having an end user editing a
file) is clunky. As other components get copied into the solution files, if any executable files are needed (eg .sh) their chmod +x bits are at risk of getting lost.In any deployment that gets regularly used, it won't be long before somebody misclicks or submits a typo. I suggest this module is so useful it joins the 'standard library' for this solution.