DigitalSlideArchive / digital_slide_archive

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Problem when I use devops scripts. #212

Closed Shao-YJ closed 2 years ago

Shao-YJ commented 2 years ago

I want mount local source folder in the container,but when I ues order "devops/ start --build",it occured a error and failed.

The build log is this: Building worker Step 1/23 : FROM ubuntu:20.04

---> Using cache ---> 3d4874a4bcb4 Step 18/23 : RUN ansible-playbook -i inventory/local docker_ansible.yml --extra-vars="docker=girder_worker" && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/ /tmp/ /home/ubuntu/.cache /home/ubuntu/.ansible /home/ubuntu/.wget-hsts /root/.cache/pip && sudo find / -xdev -name '.py[oc]' -type f -exec rm {} + && sudo find / -xdev -name pycache -type d -exec rm -r {} +

---> Running in fbb09921364c PLAY [local] *** TASK [Gathering Facts] * ok: [localhost] TASK [common : Ensure the girder group exists] ***** ok: [localhost] TASK [common : Ensure the girder user exists] ** changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Give ownership of root dir to appropriate user] * changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Install curl] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [common : Install aptitude] changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Upgrade system packages] **** changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Install pycurl and apt-transport-https package in order to use the apt_repository module and install from https] * changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Install packages needed for girder plugins] *** changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Create a docker group] ** changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Join the docker group] ** changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Set /opt to public] *** changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Add .vimrc to make developers happy] **** changed: [localhost] TASK [common : Fetch python3-distutils] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [worker : Install gpg dependencies] * skipping: [localhost] TASK [worker : Fetch GPG key for docker package] * changed: [localhost] TASK [worker : Add docker PPA] *** skipping: [localhost] TASK [worker : Install worker dependencies] **** skipping: [localhost] TASK [worker : Start docker daemon] **** skipping: [localhost] TASK [worker : Clone girder_worker] **** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/usr/bin/git ls-remote git:// -h refs/heads/master", "msg": "fatal: remote error: \n The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported.\nPlease see for more information.", "rc": 128, "stderr": "fatal: remote error: \n The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported.\nPlease see for more information.\n", "stderr_lines": ["fatal: remote error: ", " The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported.", "Please see for more information."], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} PLAY RECAP ***** localhost : ok=15 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0

Removing intermediate container fbb09921364c

Error building worker

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

manthey commented 2 years ago

github changed some configuration settings.  We addressed this in  Please pull the latest version and try again.