DigitalSlideArchive / girder_volview

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Annotation Permissions #41

Open PaulHax opened 1 month ago

PaulHax commented 1 month ago


VolView Item is the new

VolView Item has:

Dev plan

List segment groups and vector tools in VolView Item

Add Annotations section to Item view (like Large Image)

makeVolViewItem endpoint

downloadVolViewItem endpoint.

Update VolView client to respect “read only” on vector tools and segment groups.

Test Cases

Load both segment groups for Admin. Tests finding new segment group file.

2 annotators don't see each others annotations

Folder with CT and SEG folders. Tests auto conversion of SEG to segment groups.

PaulHax commented 1 month ago

Alternative: Consider a “source control” style approach.

More limited by sticking with atomic, but kind of supports the 2 “Just hide annotations to avoid bias” use cases and is it really that bad if annotatior acidentatly edits an initial bounding box?