DigitalSlideArchive / wsi-superpixel-guided-labeling

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Scalability and performance #122

Open manthey opened 2 months ago

manthey commented 2 months ago

We'd like to conduct an experiment to determine the effect of different CPU/GPU and memory on performance.

A proposed course of work (feedback encouraged):

We could deploy an instance of DSA on different AWS EC2 instances and compare the time for first superpixel and feature generation and the time of a few training iterations.

Possible things to compare to produce some benchmarks:

Ideally we'd have some infrastructure-as-code way to deploy this so that we can reproduce the results, at least for deploying to a specific EC2 instance style and uploading our data, even if we kick off the individual jobs manually.

manthey commented 2 months ago

@bnmajor @jeffbaumes I'd love for one outcome of this to be some description of how to deploy DSA with a custom provisioning file to EC2 in some standardized manner (recognizing that the girder-next work may change what we do).