DigitalSlideArchive / wsi-superpixel-guided-labeling

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Hotkeys not respected until after refresh #94

Closed bnmajor closed 4 months ago

bnmajor commented 4 months ago

Pulled from the discussion in #83.

After editing hot keys all hot keys are ignored on the chips. On reload hotkeys work correctly. To reproduce:

  1. Start a new project
  2. Create your first set of categories and do one training
  3. Without reloading anything (on chrome), when the chips first appear, it looks like the default hot keys get applied twice (that is, typing "1" applies category one to two chips (like the event is double bound).
  4. Edit the hot keys (e.g., change "1" to "b"). Now, typing "b" does nothing (nor do the other unchanged hotkeys).
  5. Reload and all is well.
  6. Edit the hot keys, and again the hotkeys do nothing until reload.