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Survey (Conducting a Survey) #33

Open StephenOTT opened 6 years ago

StephenOTT commented 6 years ago

Initial Layout: survey

Initial Thoughts and Questions

  1. Should the logic on whether to trigger the survey be in the parent process or coupled in the Survey process?
  2. Should URL Revoke be a Message or a Call-Activity. The Call Activity ensures that we dont move forward with process completion until the revoke has successfully completed.
  3. Specifically based on the V2 model below: Could the Email Survey logic be mapped into just a single User Task. Where a Email Survey and a User Task Survey are the same thing, and the Email Survey variant is just another pathway? Added in the V3 model below. 🔥
  4. Add optional "Reminder" to complete survey. Could be a call activity that either sends a email or adds a in-app notification, Push, etc. Would generate a Interaction in the Interactions Microservice.
  5. Should the URL revoke Message Start Event be a Catch event that is part of the Survey URL Creation Process/Flow? Would create long running processes, BUT would allow end-to-end cycle of URLs directly messages with a Message ID that is unique to the URL that was created.
StephenOTT commented 6 years ago

V2 Model with more enhanced Email Survey Logic

survey v2

StephenOTT commented 6 years ago

V3 Model using a consolidated Survey User task for both Email and User Task Surveys

survey v3

In this model, the User Task could be completed within Admin or Portal, and if the Email Option was activated, it could be completed through a unique URL that was emailed to the user assigned to the task. Using the Unique URL it would not matter who completed the task, so the task could be assigned to a Anonymous Contact or just left blank.