DigitalTransgenderArchive / homosaurus_site

The public display of the homosaurus vocabulary.
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Request for identifiers in release documentation #20

Closed kjrawson closed 1 year ago

kjrawson commented 2 years ago

Email from a user:

The Releases tab on the website makes it easy to see what terms are new, changed, or deleted since the last release, but I wonder if you've given any thought of adding the identifier to the headings on this lists under Releases? Something like - List of new terms added:

  1. homoit0001789 2SLGBTQ+

That way automatic updating would be a bit easier as processes could look for the identifier number and not the text heading.

Thank you!

kjrawson commented 1 year ago

We got another email on this one, @scande3. It was a similar request asking for a CSV download option that includes URIs for the next release (in December). Thank you!

kjrawson commented 1 year ago
