DigitalTrustCenter / sectxt

security.txt parser and validator
European Union Public License 1.2
17 stars 6 forks source link

PGP format validation #59

Closed SanderKools-Ordina closed 1 year ago

SanderKools-Ordina commented 1 year ago

The issues reported on the sectxt validator have been processed, most were related to adding validation checks on the pgp message. For this I used the PGPy python module, which checks for issues with the pgp message conform the OpenPGP specification per RFC 4880. The request for the security.txt url has also been given an user agent to mock a regular web browser The byte content is checked for a utf-8 BOM which is removed if found

53: Canonical "Error: Field value must be a URI (e.g. beginning with 'mailto:')"