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Content: Ingest CDR B Term 2023 #499

Open emilyobvs opened 5 months ago

emilyobvs commented 5 months ago

B Term ingest completed on 2/8

emilyobvs commented 5 months ago

Pending projects:

The first record doesn’t have a primary file. Might be intentional, but we should find out if they still want the metadata captured, or if it was a mistake.

Lori's response: For the first one, Social Robot for Interactive Play, the project is not yet complete so there is not a final report yet. The secondary file says - "Presentation by Joseph Baliestiero to project advisor Professor Jane Li for a CDR submission for B-Term 2023 graduation.". Further examination of the record shows his co-students are 'pending evaluation' and I assumed will graduate at end of C or D term, and that is when we will receive the final report. Joseph verified this is true (and we both copied the advisor on our messages.) I also followed up with Joseph to see if he would - at that time - want the PPT presentation included when the report is posted and he indicated he did not.

The second has an issue with the PDF. The user uploaded a password protected PDF, so users can’t view the file. We should find out if this is supposed to be embargoed, marked private, or if it was a mistake.