DigitalWPI / digitalwpi

This is a digital repository application for Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Gordon Library.
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Analytics: Review Analytics Priorities #515

Open emilyobvs opened 6 months ago

emilyobvs commented 6 months ago

Review options once Paul/Cottage Labs provides us with the assessment of analytic tools. We have sent Paul our past analytics requirements and he is using them to make the assessment.

Derek will talk to Ermal about options and invite him to a meeting to discuss (ex. Motomo, etc.)

emilyobvs commented 5 months ago

As of 3/28 CL meeting, group agrees to move forward with Matomo. Derek will speak with IT team about integration.

WG team will discuss priorities : downloads/views by record and collection, geo map with views, adding bepress numbers to Matomo

Example of Matomo in Hyrax: