Digitaler-Impfnachweis / covpass-android

The official CovPass(-Check) Android apps and SDK.
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"Renew vaccination certificate" button only displayed after app restart #213

Closed MikeMcC399 closed 1 year ago

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

Avoid duplicates

Technical details

Describe the bug

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Install CovPass
  2. Go through onboarding
  3. Scan a 1/2 vaccination certificate with technical expiry date less than 28 days in the future
  4. Note the text information:
    "Current certificate expires on ...
    You can easily replace the certificate in the CovPass app by using the renewal function in the overview of your certificates or by scanning a newly issued certificate". (1.26.0) or "You can easily renew your latest certificate in the CovPass app. Previous certificates will not be renewed. To do so, use the renewal function in the overview of your certificates or scan a newly issued certificate." (1.26.1 & later)
  5. Click on back arrow
  6. Click on "Display certificates"
  7. Click on "Manage certificates"
  8. Note that there is no button "Renew vaccination certificate" displayed yet
  9. Exit the app and use Android to Close all apps
  10. Restart the app
  11. Note pop-up:
    "Check the validity of your certificates
    If you can renew this certificate in the app, you will receive a notification. You can find more information about replacing expired certificates in our FAQs."
  12. Tap "OK"
  13. Note for app versions before 1.28.0 the previous pop-up repeats:
    "Check the validity of your certificates
    If you can renew this certificate in the app, you will receive a notification. You can find more information about replacing expired certificates in our FAQs."
  14. Tap "OK"
  15. Tap "Display certificates" > Tap "Manage certificates"
  16. Note that a new tile appears:
    "Renewal needed
    The technical expiry date of your vaccination certificate is coming up. Renew the certificate to continue using it." (1.26.0) or "Renewal needed
    The technical validity of your vaccination certificate is about to expire or has already expired. Renew the certificate to continue using it." (1.26.1 and later) with the button "Renew vaccination certificate"

Expected behaviour

The app should only display the text "You can easily replace the certificate in the CovPass app by using the renewal function in the overview of your certificates or by scanning a newly issued certificate" (1.26.0) or "You can easily renew your latest certificate in the CovPass app. Previous certificates will not be renewed. To do so, use the renewal function in the overview of your certificates or scan a newly issued certificate." (1.26.1 and later) if the button "Renew vaccination certificate" is also available.

alexcimander commented 2 years ago

Hi Mike,

thank you for reporting this bug - currently the re-issue for Android will be offered as soon as you restart the app. You are completely right: Again the text is misleading. We are currently working on several fixes. We will keep you updated.

Thank you!

alexcimander commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone! Update: We are currently working on a HF 1.26.1 which will take care of:

1.) Wrong reason for Re-Issue mentioned (Android only)

2.) Misleading Text for (about to be expired) DCCs in DCC-Details

3.) Misleading Text within renewal process

4.) "there are news" but not "there is news" within notification

5.) In Investigation: "No renewal offered for 1/2 vaccination if it is the only vaccination

the bugs

6.) Notification about expiry is played out twice (Android only)

7.) Re-Open of the App required (Android only) is not stated by the info text

are currently in investigation - we will provide a fix asap but these two are not expected to be fixed within the HF.

Thank you all for the patience and supporting discussions! 🦸

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

7.) Re-Open of the App required (Android only) is not stated by the info text

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

The texts have changed in 1.26.1 (see PR so I updated the issue description and steps to reproduce.

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce updated for 1.28.0 release.

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

This confusing issue is still reproducible in CovPass Android 1.31.0.

By now the certificate I used to test has already expired. The "Renew vaccination certificate" button still does not appear after scanning an expired certificate, unless the app is killed and then restarted.

MikeMcC399 commented 1 year ago

This issue has not been fixed in CovPass Android 1.36.0. It is still necessary to restart the CovPass app in order to renew a certificate.

Ein-Tim commented 1 year ago

According to, this issue should be fixed with version 1.39. Can you cross-check @MikeMcC399?

MikeMcC399 commented 1 year ago

After scanning a vaccination certificate which expired less than 90 days ago, the app immediately offered a "Renew now" button (and a "Renew later" option).

This issue is resolved with CovPass 1.39.0