Digressive / HyperV-Backup-Utility

Flexible Hyper-V Backup Utility
MIT License
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Error using -NoPerms #14

Closed RJ-Make closed 2 years ago

RJ-Make commented 2 years ago

Because it's taking 3+ hours to export and backup my VM, I thought I would try the -NoPerms method.

I'm getting the error below. It almost seems like the script is not waiting until the Merge is complete when shutting down, but I'm not sure about that.

Here is the bat command. (which works fine when not using -NoPerms) PowerShell.exe -ep bypass %PowerShellScriptLoc% -BackupTo %BackupLocation% -List %BackUpTheseVMs% -Wd %WorkingDir% -NoPerms -Keep 7 -Compress -Sz -SzOptions '-t7z' -L %BackupLogLocation%

Digressive commented 2 years ago

Just to update, working on this.

itkroplis commented 2 years ago

Your VM maybe be with snapshot?

RJ-Make commented 2 years ago

Your VM maybe be with snapshot?

Yes, I do have snapshots turned on.

Digressive commented 2 years ago

Latest version 22.01.19 has a "wait for VM to be in certain state and status" check added.

RJ-Make commented 2 years ago

Fantastic, that is a work of beauty. Tested it just now and the added 'wait for state' worked perfectly. Took 3 min to complete the merge.

Thank You!