Dijji / FileMeta

Enable Explorer in Vista, Windows 7 and later to see, edit and search on tags and other metadata for any file type
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Cannot find *.fb2 in the list of file extensions #42

Open idzumiko opened 6 years ago

idzumiko commented 6 years ago

Hi, could you please advise me how can I add *.fb2 extension to the list? Thanks in advance.

Dijji commented 6 years ago

The File Meta Association Manager simply reads all the file extension registry entries and displays them, so the fact that the extensions you want are not showing up implies that they don't exist in the registry.

It is therefore necessary to either install some software that handles files with that extension, or create the entry manually. Happily, the entry you need is as minimal as it gets, so manual creation using regedit is a breeze. All you have to have is a key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT whose name is the extension preceded by a dot. It does not need to have any values at all. For instance, the entry for the fb2 extension would be:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

That's it. Once this entry exists in the registry, the extension will show up in the File Meta Association Manager (when you restart it) and you can add the File Meta Property Handler to it and start editing metadata. Note that you may need to kill all instances of explorer.exe and restart it before you can save values successfully.


hewittchoi commented 5 years ago

@Dijji I operated in your methods and a entry .caj already existed in the registry.I restarted the file meta association, restarted the windows explore even restarted the computer, but the extension still did not show up the .caj.

hewittchoi commented 5 years ago

I find out the solution. Thanks anyway. I created a entry for the .caj in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PropertySystem\PropertyHandlers] and it worked.

Dijji commented 5 years ago

Adding the empty key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT simply causes the extension to appear in the list shown in the Association Manager, and allows you to set up a handler using Add Handler in that program. This does indeed result in an entry under PropertyHandlers, which it seems you have done manually, but it also sets up the registry keys that control the properties to be displayed in Explorer, which you may not have done.


ItsCubeTime commented 3 years ago

Adding the empty key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT simply causes the extension to appear in the list shown in the Association Manager, and allows you to set up a handler using Add Handler in that program. This does indeed result in an entry under PropertyHandlers, which it seems you have done manually, but it also sets up the registry keys that control the properties to be displayed in Explorer, which you may not have done.


In my case I have a bunch of folders/keys under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT which simply do not appear in the File MEta Association Manager?

x image

Dijji commented 3 years ago

The trick here is that the extensions list contains three alphabetical sequences: the first with those that already have a File Meta handler; the second with those that have some other handler; and the third with those that have no handler. You just need to scroll down further to the third sequence.

I have thought about changing the sort order, but I think I need at least those with a File Meta handler or profile near the top to make them easy to find.