Dijji / XstReader

Xst Reader is an open source viewer for Microsoft Outlook’s .ost and .pst files, written entirely in C#. To download an executable of the current version, go to the releases tab.
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Explorer Context Menu Support in Message File List #13

Closed flywire closed 4 years ago

flywire commented 5 years ago

Using Win10.

  1. It would be nice to support Explorer context menu in message file list
  2. Message context menu opens print preview in application window - would be better to open in new window
  3. Message context menu does not give access to page settings (headers, margins etc) when selecting print (use print preview as workaround)
  4. Message Save File supports multiple file selection - nice
Dijji commented 5 years ago

It sounds as though this is mostly about printing emails. I regard printing as a hard problem that is currently out of scope, unless you can suggest an easy way to do it.


flywire commented 5 years ago

No, printing was really an aside to explorer context menu. I formed the view from your other repositories you have some expertise with this functionality (??). Mainly want ability to double click an attachment and open in default application (or right click and select application) without having to save it.

Re Printing: Works well in message from context menu but does not seem to support page customisation - hence my suggestion of print preview in a new window if user is fussy since application window size may be unsuitable.

Dijji commented 5 years ago

Adding a context menu to the message list would be easy enough, but the question is, what should the entries on it be? Modifying printing I still regard as too hard - printing from the message window comes for free.

Would supporting opening attachments not make more sense from the attachment list?


flywire commented 5 years ago

what should the [context menu] entries on it be?

User's explorer entries

Modifying printing I still regard as too hard

Fair enough, functional but not necessarily nice as I say above.

Would supporting opening attachments not make more sense from the attachment list?

That is what I had in mind

Dijji commented 5 years ago

Makes sense. Opening attachments also matches an Outlook capability. I will add it to my development list, though at a slightly lower priority.


flywire commented 5 years ago

Can I see the development list?

Dijji commented 5 years ago

On this project, it is currently just the two items arising from your two issues. Care to help?


flywire commented 5 years ago

I'd like to but I know zero c#. Old procedural languages including vb and a bit of python. Been looking through the java tutorials.

flywire commented 4 years ago


  • attachments are too difficult to view when browsing emails


I can see how to deliver on some of what you want.

  • I can open an attachment using the associated default application, but I cannot see how to allow you to do the equivalent of Open With…

This is far better than 80/20 rule. Double click to open?

Dijji commented 4 years ago

I have made some progress with attachment opening. After a bit more research, I now have both Open and Open With working in a test build, driven by a context menu on the attachments list, so this could be ready for release before too long.

Dijji commented 4 years ago

Support for attachment opening is now available in the pre-release of version 1.7. If you are interested, check it out and let me know what you think.

flywire commented 4 years ago

Very functional now.