Dijji / XstReader

Xst Reader is an open source viewer for Microsoft Outlook’s .ost and .pst files, written entirely in C#. To download an executable of the current version, go to the releases tab.
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CSV export compliant with RFC4180 #8

Closed halueda closed 4 years ago

halueda commented 5 years ago

Release 1.4 document says

The CSV files exported are compatible with Excel. A limit of 32K is imposed on individual fields, beyond which they are truncated and terminated with '…'. New line characters within fields are replaced by semicolons. Fields which contain commas are wrapped in double quotation marks, and any double quotation marks within the field are replaced by single quotation marks.

I think RFC 4180 based conversion is better. https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4180.txt

Excel and many libraries for csv can read such CSV file. And we don't have to worry about converting back ; to newline and ' to " .

Dijji commented 5 years ago

I specifically didn't want new line characters to create multiple rows in Excel, simply because I wanted to test it on large input sets, and creating additional rows made verification significantly harder.

Replacing " with "" might well make sense, though I would need to test it.

Do you have any specific reason for these requests?


halueda commented 5 years ago

IMHO, exporting task should preserve as much information as possible. Deleting newline changes meaning, especially original message header.

I understand about test, but excel and other CVS related tools can read without problem and test with such tools is far better than checking with human eyes.

My patch was WIP and not checked, sorry. Now I have correct source code to solve this issue, and soon commit it. It is checked by exporting folders and reading by excel. The forlders have >10,000 messages including plain text and HTML with multilingual text in Japanese. --HAL

fabien-gigante commented 4 years ago

I had the same need that @halueda, trying to preverse as much as possible all the values.

I believe the commit from @halueda is checking twice \n (instead of - I assume - checking \n and \r ) :

... value.Contains("\n") || value.Contains("\n") ...

Also for some reason, Excel doesn't open the CSV correctly, and requires the current locale separator instead of a plain comma. I'm not sure if Excel complies with the RFC 4180 with such a behavior. I had to locally modify the code like so to make it work for me. Even though this is probably not a change you want to incorporate officially (or through a setting only maybe).

        private void AddCsvValue(StringBuilder sb, string value, ref bool hasValue)

            string comma = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator; // ",";
            if (hasValue) sb.Append(comma);
            if (value != null) 
                 bool escape = value.Contains(comma) || value.Contains("\"") || value.Contains("\r") || value.Contains("\n");
                 if (escape) value = "\"" + value.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"";
            hasValue = true;
Dijji commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reminding me of the work done by halueda on multilanguage support when exporting to csv files. I should have merged the changes long ago. So now I have. However, I did not include the changes to add the body in some form to the csv file, as there are other, higher fidelity, ways to get this information already.

I have also incorporated your change to make the comma culturally sensitive in the changes for the next release. I don't mind diverging somewhat from an RFC that is observed strictly almost nowhere, as I think that Excel is almost certainly the dominant scenario for reading such files.

Thank you for raising the issues that you encountered, and fixing them too!


Dijji commented 4 years ago

Changes released as version 1.11