Attempts to address #106 and add recipe functionality to
[x] show recipe title + description
[x] show list of recipes
[x] show recipe total nutrient sums
[x] reload data when new recipe is added
[x] require one item to be selected before saving recipe
[x] add to daily total
[x] edit
[x] delete recipe
[x] mobile first styling (switch flexbox items to grid)
[x] what happens when an inventory item is deleted? (no recipes are shown, remove that item from any recipes)
[ ] need to check that items are only added once
[x] hide the Add Recipe form if a recipe is being edited (also applies to inventory)
[x] hide any edit recipe forms if a recipe is being added (also applies to inventory)
[x] differentiate all edit form labels + inputs from each other and add form (currently, clicking a label on an edit form toggles the corresponding input on the add form, also applies to inventory)
[x] search recipes based on name + description (maybe search based on items later?)
Attempts to address #106 and add recipe functionality to
need to check that items are only added once