DileepKumarMantena / AngularPractice

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TypeScript Practice #3

Open DileepKumarMantena opened 2 weeks ago

DileepKumarMantena commented 2 weeks ago



  1. Module Program Question:

    Create a TypeScript module that contains a function findMax which finds the maximum element in an array of numbers. findMin which finds the minimum element in an array of numbers.Then, import this module into another TypeScript file and use the findMax function to find the maximum and minimum number in an array [1, 5, 3, 9, 2]. Print the result.


    1.declare a genrics for taking an array and process the even numbers into one array and odd numbers into anthor array


    1.Can you give me a example for single, multiple multilevel inheritance 1.Identity Function: Write a generic function called identity that takes an argument and returns it without modification. The function should work with any type. 2.First Element of an Array: Create a generic function called firstElement that takes an array as input and returns the first element of that array. Ensure the function works with arrays of any type.

14/05/2024 1.use the https://randomuser.me/api api and show the information in a detailed manner 2.Write a function for removing the duplicates in a typescript array

santhu369 commented 2 weeks ago


santhu369 commented 4 days ago

Class Program Rectangle

Module Program Question: import
